<img height="1" width="1" style="display:none" src="https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=1514203202045471&ev=PageView&noscript=1"/> One to one chakra healing coaching program. Balance. Heal. Love | Core Spirit

One to one chakra healing coaching program. Balance. Heal. Love

$75 USD
$75 USD

This coaching program has been tested by hundreds of women and each and one of them has had a significant shifts in life. This program is a combination of one to one weekly consultations via Zoom, homework assignments, yoga, body work and creative practices. Usually the program lasts 7 weeks (one energy centre per week) but can be extended to 7 months - one energy centre per month. We use chakra phycology and analyse what we need to work on first and foremost and than customise accordingly. Since I have studied chakra system, I can easily understand what I need to work on in order to change my reality. I’ve fallen in love with life and love sharing this experience with others.
Package can be customised starting from the first session being a consultaion to make sure we feel aligned.

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London, UK

I am internationally recognised Tantra Yoga teacher (Yoga Alliance eRYT200, RYT500), Yoga Alliance continued education provider(YACEP), mindfulness and meditation trainer for London Wellness academy, wellness program developer for One Spa World (spa and fitness management company for cruise lines) and Retreats facilitator. I have been in the indusrty for over 2 decades and practice what I preach.

On Core Spirit since April 2020

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