<img height="1" width="1" style="display:none" src="https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=1514203202045471&ev=PageView&noscript=1"/> Hypno-Reiki Session | Core Spirit

Hypno-Reiki Session

healing session
$222 USD
$222 USD

This is a one hour session with a combination of hypnosis and reiki. A great way to handle stress and anxiety.

What does it entail?

This is a combination of two amazing healing modalities, which includes Reiki and Hypnosis. Reiki is a way to use the universal life force to help balance your body, mind and soul. It is a way to allow energy to move through your body. As the client is in a calm state, they may feel areas of tingling, heat or maybe some cold areas. Some people may have visualizations that may occur during the session or see colors or memories.

Hypnosis a guided relaxation technique that focuses on the subconcious mind and what is blocking a person or being ignored. A client will feel really relaxed as the hypno-therapist is working through the underlying issues in the subconcious mind.

The combination together is a powerful and relaxing way to help if you are feeling:
-have anxiety disorders
-Not achieveing your highest potential in life
-Feeling trapped in your situation or your mind

Can help assist:
-living your fullest life and potential
-not worrying about things
-not having phobias
-feeling amazing and clear
-better sleep

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United States

Hello, thank-you for visiting my bio. My name is Jena and I am a Reiki Master and trainer, Emotion Code Practioner, hypnotherapist, EFT practitioner, life coach, NLP practioner, personal trainer, and Theta healer. I have been doing energy healing for over 7 years now. A journey that has been amazing. I am looking forward to helping you ❤️

On Core Spirit since March 2021

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Jena Hinds3y ago

Hello Joan, the session would have a combination of both reiki and hypnosis combined together. These are two strong healing modalities that can benefit anyone that may be suffering from aches, pains, depression, anxiety disorders, PTSD, phobias, weight challenges, etc. As the client they will be in a very calm state while reiki is being used and I would guide the client through a hypnosis session. I am not sure of your background with healing modalities, but you are welcome to message me for more information about it. My page is www.facebook.com/Dr-Jena-Hinds-Coaching-1006672….

Jena Hinds3y ago

Hello Michelle, thank you for your question. Hyno-Reiki is a combination of two modalities which are hypnosis and reiki together. Both are amazing healing modalities. Reiki energy would work on the surface healing, anxiety, fears, depression, while hypnosis would work on the underlining subconcious mind. This could be reprogramming what we do not realize may be causing our business not to grow, underlining fear, depression, and anxiety. I hope this helps. If you would like more information on either one you can ask me on my page www.facebook.com/Dr-Jena-Hinds-Coaching-1006672….

Michelle Collins3y ago

Hi! So interesting :) How does hypnotherapy help?

Jena Hinds
Jul 30, 2024, 18:00
1 hour Reiki
Theta Healing
Jena Hinds
Jul 30, 2024, 18:00
Theta Healing
Emotional Stress Release
Jena Hinds
Jul 30, 2024, 18:00
30 minute Emotion Code
Joan Wilson3y ago

Hello! This is so exciting. I would like to know exactly how the session goes. Does this practice help to improve mental and physical health?
Thanks in advance!

Clinical Hypnosis (Hypnotherapy)
Jena Hinds
Jul 30, 2024, 18:00
Hypno-Reiki Session

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