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Energy Medicine Consultation

$10 USD
$10 USD

Discover what is keeping your health stuck. The body and mind are an intricately connected system. In this fifteen minute call, learn how using expert energy healing and medical intuition can heal physical, emotional and mental symptoms fast.

We'll discuss your health goals and how energy medicine and medical intuition can help you conquer blocks and move into a lighter, healthier, less painful state of being.

Energy medicine is energy healing that specifically focuses on health symptoms and healing the root cause: physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual disruptions.

I believe the body innately knows how to heal. It is always striving for wellness. We just need to find what is blocking this ability and free it. As we remove these blocks, caused by stresses of all kinds, the body can immediately begin to heal the way it knows best.

Heal recurring or chronic infections, migraines, chronic pain, digestive upsets, chronic fatigue, anxiety, burnout, hormonal imbalances, difficulty sleeping, relationship issues, and more.

Feel lighter, more peaceful, stronger, more vital.

I work with trauma, past life/karmic imprints, attachments to people/places/things, limiting beliefs, epigenetics, organ and body function, the meridians, chakras, and more. I go as deep/detialed as the body needs to identify and clear blocks keeping your health stuck (cellular level, organ level, hormone level, chemical level, etc.).

My healing is heart-centered, precise, powerful, yet gentle enough for the most sensitive of patients. I work with infants through the aged.

Let's talk about how to conquer your chronic health issues once and for all.

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On Core Spirit since January 2021

Your Body's Wisdom: Unblock Your Path to Wellness

My stomach was unwell, my joints hurt, my skin was itchy, I had frequent headaches and couldn’t sleep. I lost faith in my body. I searched endlessly online for solutions, for knowledge, for practitioners who could help me ‘find the right answers.’ This day-to-day existence was stressful, full of despair, and felt completely out of my control.

Where were the answers I sought? There had to be answers… if I looked long enough, I knew I could find them. At this time in my life, I felt my body was broken and something was inherently wrong with it. It didn’t work right and didn’t seem to know how to get better. Have you ever felt this way?
Your body has intelligence and is always seeking wellness. This was a truth I didn’t know at the time. When the body isn’t able to get well, it doesn’t mean it’s broken. It just means something is in the way, blocking health. What gets in the way? All kinds of stresses can derail our body’s normal healthy function.

Physical stresses
Physical stresses like toxins, infections and illnesses can hamper the body. They can confuse the immune system, block receptors, cause our body to be depleted. They can provide a chronic low-grade stress that keeps our body’s functions stifled and not at peak efficiency. As these stresses continue and accumulate, they start to deplete our reserves and create a cycle of imbalance.

Emotional stresses
We all know how a bad day can derail us. It can upset our digestion, our sleep, our ability to feel calm and balanced. Emotions flow through the body with chemical signals called neuropeptides and neurotransmitters. These chemicals are real, physical substances! And indeed, they are created, increased or suppressed by different emotions we feel. So yes, emotions result in physical changes in the body. If these emotional chemicals don’t have a way to get processed in the moment, they might be stored in the body. And this starts creating stress, again keeping our body’s functions stifled and not at peak efficiency.

Mental stresses
“Our thoughts create our reality,” have you heard this? How can that be? Well, first, our experiences are filtered through our five senses. We see, hear, taste, smell and touch our environment and each and every event in our lives. Every single perception moves through these filters. If we feel unsafe or feel the world is out to get us, we will perceive the world and our life experiences in this way. Most importantly, we will perceive what we expect. Whoa! That means we can create what we do not want. Do you see how much creative power we have?!

The problem is this: we can’t just ignore what we don’t like. Denial doesn’t work. Trust me, I’ve tried it! We have to first remove the filters, often subconscious. Then we will be freed to focus on what we do want, allowing us to more clearly perceive the world around us. To understand filters more deeply, think of them as thought patterns or subconscious conditioning and you start to see the power of how we perceive the world.

We have tremendous creative power. When we are focused on illness or what is wrong with us, it means we create more of that. Let’s ditch these filters ASAP and welcome what we desire! Food for thought: in your own life, how can you authentically align with feeling healthy and strong? If you can nurture this, remind yourself of this, this will serve your efforts to move toward health.

Tip: An affirmation can be a great way to do this. Such as “My body is strong and vital. It moves into vital health every single day.”

All we need to do is lift off stresses that keep our bodies stuck. And luckily we have easy, non-invasive ways of doing this: energy healing! Energy healing is amazingly powerful with a practitioner but that is certainly not the only way. Healing can happen in prayer, meditation, while hiking outside, while connecting to yourself and your guidance system in whatever way feels right to you. If your chosen method isn’t moving you forward, it’s time to seek professional help to get your energy moving.

As we lift off the blocks and stresses keeping the body stuck, physical processes that were kept suppressed can repair and reset. Your body’s natural ability to heal can reconnect and begin to function. Your body is able to heal. It’s time to remove the blocks keeping your health stuck and reclaim your life.

Is your body keeping you stuck?

Did you know your body can contribute to keeping you stuck in your life? Perhaps you are trying to recover your health, create a new business, or change something big in your life. Parts of the body can resist your desire to move forward. Let's talk about some common sources of stuck-ness and what you can do to get things moving.

Our intestines rely on movement to properly function. If there is no movement, nutrient and water absorption doesn't happen the way it should. And your intestines are home to a vast community of microbes called the microbiome. This microbiome helps digest food, synthesizes nutrients, affects hormone production including your feel-good neurotransmitters (more of those please!), metabolism, and SO MUCH MORE! They are still discovering all the ways our microbiome influences our health.

It's super important to make those microbes happy and provide a supportive home for them. This requires healthy movement so food doesn't stagnate and start feeding 'bad bugs' in the gut. Eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables in their whole form (with the fiber) and cut down on processed foods. If you still have symptoms of constipation, there are safe supplements such as magnesium, vitamin C and herbal constipation remedies that are great ways to boost movement. Getting the intestines moving will shift energy and allow stuck-ness in your life to melt away. Always talk with your doctor or healthcare practitioner about what is right for you.

Mind Connection: If you feel the need for control in areas of your life, rather than 'going with the flow' most of the time, your gut will tend to be more sluggish. Practice 'going with the flow' in one or two small situations per day to support movement. Or being more spontaneous in a way that feels right to you. For instance, rather than plan every step of a day, have a few ideas in mind and let the schedule unfold and 'go with the flow.' Afterwards, see how this feels to you and notice anything that comes to your awareness. These situations of ‘mixing it up’ will quickly build into a less rigid way of moving through life.

The lungs also help create healthy movement. Each time we breathe, we are moving the entire body! With a proper deep belly breath, we move the top of the chest all the way to the pelvic floor. The lymph, liver and other parts of the body rely on movement from breathing or voluntary movement since they don't generate movement on their own. Plus if we are not breathing deeply enough, we are likely not getting the oxygen our body needs to function at its best. Practice taking big, deep breaths a few times a day to boost movement.

The gallbladder and bladder energy systems also help create movement in our body in a big way. While gallbladder is a catalyst for fat digestion and the site of bile storage, it is also a place where anger is stored. If we are not able to let anger move in a healthy way, the gallbladder health suffers and becomes sluggish. The bladder holds urine and if we don’t allow movement, through either fear, anxiety or over-control, the bladder can get irritated and agitated. This can result in microbiome disturbances, urgency, and difficulty releasing control. Drink plenty of water to keep urinary bladder flushed and functioning optimally. And watch dietary fat that may drag down your gallbladder. Beets, greens, and digestive bitters are wonderful tonics for gallbladder health.

As you can see, there are many ways we can enhance movement with simple actions and focused intentions. Play an active role in your health and get your life moving!

Struggling to Find Health? 5 Steps to Get In Sync With Your Health Goals

Have you ever wanted to change something but just can’t seem to find the right path forward? Everything you try keeps you where you are? You are so determined but no progress. Sound familiar?

My client has tried everything for her digestive complaints. No matter the supplement or diet, she has tired so many things but still hasn’t been able to find meaningful results. She feels stuck, that she’s missing something, and that she is failing somehow. And she desperately wants to be free of her symptoms. She will do just about anything.

So, what gives?

Let’s talk about the reality of the situation. If you think about my client, she is focusing all her thought and energy on what she does not want (her symptoms) and how to stop them. This is totally understandable but here’s the thing…there is no room left over for thinking about health, freedom and what she does want. There is a principle in quantum physics that says what we observe is pulled into creation. In that case, by fighting what is in front of us and trying to make it go away, we are in essence causing more of it. Whoa! Because we are focusing all our energy (or most of it) on the symptoms we want to heal.

All too often, we focus our thoughts on research and learning and trying to figure out what we need to do to STOP our present situation. We spend all our mental focus and energy trying to get away from what is in our lives at the moment. But in that process, we miss living. And more importantly, we focus our energy onto what we do not want. I know you might be thinking…how do you not think about a symptom that disrupts your life? That causes you pain or discomfort or inconvenience multiple times throughout the day?

It’s a tricky line to walk. I’ve been there, so I get it.

I believe one answer is to keep our focus on the present and live our life from our center. Respect what your body needs in the moment. But also we must hold our current reality ‘lightly,’ knowing it is temporary and can be healed. If we can know it is just a current stop along the journey and with the right timing, we will be free of it, we open ourselves to focus on the possibility of healing and feeling well.

There is a ticket to freedom. Here is a quick process that can help you get there.
1-Honor where you are. Stop fighting with yourself. An easy way to do this is to say “What if nothing else changes for the rest of my life? Would I be able to live this way?” This outcome is highly unlikely (that your life won’t change), but it’s a great way to remind yourself to accept where you are.
2-Focus on the present. What can I do right now as I move through my day to support my body? Maybe it’s the food I choose, maybe it’s a new practitioner to see, maybe it’s less daily stress. Whatever your body needs, get present, listen and come up with a plan focused on moving you closer to your health goals.
3-This too shall pass. Remind yourself illness is temporary and that your symptoms can heal. Give your reality a chance to change by opening to the possibility. The body innately knows how to heal.
4-Focus on what you want. If you want better health, find a way to connect with it. What makes you feel strong? Do it. Often. Recognize all you are doing to support your body’s healing. Visualize, journal or use affirmations to begin to own a new reality (health) and recognize achievements when you make them.
5-Hop back up when you fall down. When you find yourself dropping back into self-defeating thoughts or beliefs you don’t have the power to change your life, recognize this destructive pattern. It’s just a story your mind is creating, it’s NOT TRUE. Recognition is 80% of the solution! Then, commit to a new way of viewing the world around you and bring your attention back to the present, back to your goals and back to an action plan of how to start stepping toward them (step #2).

This process will bring true, lasting healing. If you can start holding the positive outcome in your mind, even 5% of the time, you’ll make significant steps toward your health goals. One thought at a time, break through illness into health freedom!

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