Did You Know…
That You Only Need To Move Your Body For 30 Minutes Per Day 3 Times Per Week To Feel Awesome And Shift That Covid Weight.
Discover The #1 Secret Which Is 100% FREE!
This is what you will get. There is so much on offer.
Free for the first 7 days and then only £7 per month after that.
JOIN The On Demand Yoga Classes EVERYONE Is Talking About! You will get:
- 200+ On Demand Yoga Sessions (Value £97) so that you can have more clarity on what you are seeking, a peaceful, calmer mind, to be more productive at home and at work, to work on your goals in life and work or to keep your mind creative.
- When you sign-up TODAY you'll also receive… FREE PDF: Journaling Journey (Value £17)
enhancing your flexibility, relaxing of a night time and allowing your mind and body to be free of any ailments.
- FREE AUDIO: Meditation (Value £7) so that you can feel calmer, lighter and can face any challenges you may have throughout your day. You will also be able to have a fulfilling nights sleep and feel fresher and brighter when you rise in the morning.
- BONUS #1: Pose Library PDF (value £4)
Basic Yoga pose library for quick and easy reference of the poses so that you can master them before moving into the main sessions and avoid causing yourself harm/injury
- BONUS#2: 17 stand alone warm ups and warm downs PDF (£27)
so that you can increase your body's readiness for the yoga session and reduce the chance of injury.
- BONUS #3: Top 10 music recommendations PDF (£17)
Top 10 recommendations designed to enhance, energise or enthuse you to get the workout you need!
So what have you got to loose, go and check it out now.