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Distance Reconnective Energy Healing session

healing session
$80 USD
$80 USD

You will receive the energy of Reconnective Healing. If you have a specific issue that you want me to work on I can focus on that. But the energy will go where it is needed most and can continue to work a few days after the session. Since the body does most of its healing during sleep. Pay close attention to how you feel after waking up the morning after a session.

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Kelowna, BC, Canada


I am a Reconnective Energy Healer from British Columbia, Canada. I have been a healer for a decade and I am working every day to increase my inner light and raise my vibration. Due to what is happening in the world right now, I have developed my practice to be easily accessible remotely. I look forward to assisting you to reach a balanced state of bliss.

On Core Spirit since February 2021

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