Coaching Sessions

Coaching Sessions


My name is Toniann Astuto, I’m a holistic health coach and have been actively involved in my own holistic health for over a decade.

My journey began at 8 years old when I was diagnosed with severe scoliosis, a hereditary disease that caused my spine to grow curved. After wearing a back brace for 4 years, I had a new type of surgery to correct my curvatures. I have a titanium rod that runs the full length of my spine to which all my discs are fused but the top and bottom two. At the time, this surgery was considered the best course of action. But being relatively new, there was no data on long-term effects.

Because of the surgery, over the following decades, my unfused discs started to degenerate along with the joints around them. After years of doing all the work that my whole back would have been doing, they began to wear out. I started suffering from chronic pain sometimes so severe that I couldn’t even walk a few feet.

At the age of 35, I had to quit my job and accept that I was now disabled. The doctors who knew how to fix my scoliosis now had no idea how to cure my pain. I went from specialist to specialist and was prescribed a variety of pain medications. At one point I was even using Fentanyl patches which took the pain away but left me non-functional.

I finally decided that this was no way to live and started to do my own research to find alternatives. I tried just about everything that you could have heard of until I finally found the right solution for me. I now rely on all natural solutions to manage my pain and have not taken any prescription pain meds in over a decade!

I use a blend of essential oils, natural supplements, vitamins, herbs, nutrition, and spiritual modalities like meditation, Reiki and others. I’ve had a long journey, but I feel better now than I have in ages! I’ve transformed my life, and I now want to help others find the natural relief they desperately

I offer free discovery calls!

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I help women learn how to lessen and manage chronic pain and stress/anxiety naturally. Through a combination of holistic health practices and spiritual modalities, I have been able to transform my own life and now want to help others get the relief they s…

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