Cast and Interpret the Runes

Cast and Interpret the Runes


It's what it says on the tin: I'll cast the Runes like one would with tarot in order to answer a question or provide insight on a troublesome matter. I place emphasis on solid, useable advice, as problems are not solved with empty platitudes.

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I read the Runes of the Elder Futhark as a means of identifying the factors present in a given scenario and from there, discern a course of action. I first learned this skill as a part of my religious practices, which are based in European paganism, and I…

Rune Reading
Stacey Gill
Tiw's Aett
Tiw’s Aett TIWAZ – phonetic T, representing conquest, law, victory. The Germanic war god which preceded Wotan as folk patriarch (note the Aries to Scorpio evolution here), he was regarded simultaneously as a conqueror and as a lawbringer, thus sending a …
Rune Reading
Stacey Gill
Heimdall's Aett
Heimdall’s Aett HAGALAZ – phonetic H, representing inclement weather, a storm. One bemoans skies of dark clouds, and the torrential downpour of rain, snow, hail, etc which often ensues, however, one cannot avert the course of weather patterns, and so are…
Rune Reading
Stacey Gill
Freyja's Aett
It goes without saying that the most crucial parts of my practice are the Runes themselves. As previously stated, I use the Elder Futhark for its completeness as an esoteric system, but others exist, such as the Younger and the Anglo-Saxon, as well as the…
Rune Reading
Stacey Gill
What is Yggdrasil?
When it comes to discussion of the Runes, a subject which is just as important as the god who first obtained them is the tree from which he hung to do so. Understanding the full symbolic value in a given myth enables one to attain the insight necessary to…
Rune Reading
Stacey Gill
Who is Wotan?
In my previous article, I discussed what the Runes were, as well as giving both mythical and historical origins for them. In the former, I mentioned that they were discovered by Wotan in a nine-day and nine-night ordeal, but just who exactly is Wotan? In …
Rune Reading
Stacey Gill
What Are the Runes?
My practice is centered around the use of the Runes of the Elder Futhark. The Runes are a set of symbols from about two-thousand years ago in the Germanic regions of Europe, with the oldest known inscriptions dating to about 150 AD – obviously the one who…

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Stacey Gill4y ago

That's a part of it. Wyrd is the ruling principle, in that there is not a future but a few which could coalesce. The readings help identify which proverbial threads to weave in order to cause - or avoid - an outcome. For more on the notion of Wyrd check out my article "What Are the Runes?"

Stacey Gill4y ago

So first I'd ask what your present circumstances are, nothing too detailed, just a brief synopsis of your current circumstances and whatever is causing you distress. These in mind, I do a spread much like one would do with tarot, and describe what I see here. I prefer to type up a PDF which details the entire spread as it gives you a document to refer to. The entire point is a sort of guided, functional meditation to silence the often noisy mind and focus on identifying the factors present in a given scenario. By using this and similar methods, you are better armed to take on life's many challenges by being more aware of the little factors that go into everything that happens.

Michelle Collins4y ago

Hi! Do your sessions include predicting the customer’s future? Thx in advance :)

Rune Reading
Stacey Gill
Mar 16, 2025, 09:00
Newport TF10, UK
Create Bindrune
Rune Reading
Stacey Gill
Mar 16, 2025, 09:00
Newport TF10, UK
Cast and Interpret the Runes
Joan Wilson4y ago

Hello! This is so exciting. I would like to know exactly how the session goes. Does this practice help to improve mental and physical health?
Thanks in advance!

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