Basic reading is usually 20 to 30 minutes in length. With the in-depth reading, we will take a closer look at at minimum of two of the selected star systems. We will connect with these star beings to receive healings and activations as well as clearing any energies from that star system that may be holding us back in our current lifetime.
Platform: Readings are facilitated over the phone, allowing you to enjoy in the comfort of your own home.
Audio Recording: You will receive an MP3 file via email. Replaying the recording over time is a powerful way to integrate the information and to allow the energy to keep working for you.
Card Layout: You will receive a picture of the 4 card layout of your reading via email of text, your choice.
Basic Galactic Reading - Higher Guidance or Karmic Challenge Galactic Readings doesn’t have reviews yet.
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About Julia Stubbe As an intuitive spiritual counselor and a channel for healing energy, I specialize in assisting people in overcoming emotional blockages, spiritual issues, and physical conditions, as well as encouraging growth and wellness within themselves. Using a holistic approach, I interweave many healing modalities to find a deeper understanding of physical and emotional problems. |
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