Acupuncture is central to ancient Chinese medicine , with its origins tracing back over 2,000 years. The method involves the insertion of incredibly thin sterilised needles at specific points on the body.
By stimulating these nerve rich channel points, acupuncture is credited with the ability to help a wide range of conditions.
Acupuncture is used to help to relieve the discomfort associated with a variety of diseases and conditions, including:
Common Cold Symptoms/ Cough
Digestive disorders
Emotional imbalances
Fertility Issues
Headaches, including tension headaches and migraines
Illness prevention/ Boosting immune system
Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), such as Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn ’s disease.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Musculoskeletal Issues, including:
-Back Pain
-Frozen Shoulder
-Lumbar Pain
-Neck pain
-Plantar Fasciitis
-Rheumatoid arthritis
-Tennis Elbow/ Golfer’s Elbow
Menopausal Symptoms, such as hot flushes, mood changes.
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
Pregnancy, such as turning a breech baby.
Premenstrual Syndrome, such as menstrual cramps.
Problems during pregnancy, such as breech baby.
If your condition is not mentioned above, acupuncture may still be able to help.
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About Gul Ipek Yurttas Gul Ipek is a fully qualified. Recognising the importance of medication and the medical profession, she sees acupuncture and naturopathy as a complement to this. She encourages patients to first explore the power of changes in lifestyle and natural therapies and focuses as much on preventing illness as she does on relieving the discomfort associated with a variety of conditions. |
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Hello Ronald
We use sterilised stainless steel needles, with copper handles.
Hello Elena
I am afraid, can not tell you how many sessions exactly you need at the moment. A headache can be experienced due to variety of reasons, acupuncture helps every case individually. I am afraid it is hard to give exact time in that aspect. After we take your case history, there might be really simple life style changes and acupuncture will help you with your symptoms, or you may have other underlying issues are needed to be addressed by other health care professionals. However in general we recommend and see changes around 6-8 sessions.
Hello John, acupuncture helps with muscles spasm as well, yes, however it is better to talk to your doctor or gp if you are in UK about the symptoms you have, there might be some mineral deficiencies, or other pathological issues. It is worth to check with them first, and then get help with acupuncture definitely.
Hey ! I have muscle spasms from time to time. Is it safe fro me to try it?
Hello. suffer from frequent headaches and back pain in the lower back. please tell me, how many sessions do you need to go through to start feeling better?
What kind of needles do you use for back treatment? I mean, what are they made of?
Thank you!