Hello Lina

The Reiki session usually lasts one hour and fifteen minutes, although it can last a little longer.

The remote Reiki has 3 different parts:

1. Ten minutes before the session I will send you a message to remind you to be ready and offer you some advice for the session.

2. You will lie down in a comfortable and quiet place. You can use relaxing music if you feel like it. For about 50 minutes I will do enkaku Reiki (remote Reiki) to you. During this part of the treatment you can experience different sensations: Relaxation, dreaminess, sadness, joy, happiness, fear, changes in body temperature, dreams, or small muscle spasms, although these are not very frequent. You will probably fall asleep.

3. After a few minutes I will call you on a video call. I will share with you the sensations that I had during the session. In addition, we will talk about the best steps to take to solve or improve the situation, illness, or reason for which you have requested the session.

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