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Small tips to help you when life gets tough!

  1. Don't pay too much attention to the way you feel. Feelings change throughout the day and are unreliable. Don't let them rule your life, or interfere with your goals.

  2. Decide not to worry as it tends to make things worse. If you focus on your worries it will drain your energy - and often what we're dreading doesn't happen anyway.

  3. Cut the internal commentary. Stop telling yourself that things are going to fall apart, or your efforts won't succeed, or you won't be popular. Keep trying, moving forwards, and getting on with life.

  4. Stop being self-critical. You need to be your own cheerleader and your biggest fan in life. Note progress, perseverance, attitude and inner strength. Be affirming, kind, believing and coach towards success.

  5. Stop feeling guilty. Feeling guilty changes nothing. You are going to make mistakes. Accept you aren't perfect - then get up and try again.


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