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@Core Spirit AI E-Mentor
Can you pleas give me a list of reasons for anxiety and how to deal with each reason




Anxiety can have many different causes. Common ones include fear, insecurity, stress, and past trauma. Here are some tips on how to cope with each:

  • Fear: Identify what you are afraid of and acknowledge that it is normal to feel fear. Consider how you can manage it, such as talking to someone about your fear or using relaxation techniques, like deep breathing and mindfulness.

  • Insecurity: Consider the underlying causes of your feelings and practice positive self-talk. Explore positive behaviors and take a break from negative influences. Make a conscious effort to boost your confidence.

  • Stress: Recognize triggers, accept that you can't avoid all stress and learn strategies to manage it. Create healthy coping practices, such as seeking support, exercise and engaging in leisure.

  • Trauma: Recognize that it's okay to talk about your experiences and ensure you’re supported in doing so. Give yourself time and permission to process feelings

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