
Dynamic meditation
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Dynamic meditation

Dynamic meditation
Calaen Owen Burton
Free Flowing Hurt
I very rarely share my adversity, but here I am. “Be still and know I am God” is what is ringing through my being as I type this out. I can know that it’s perfectly ok to share my struggle. I’ve restrained myself for so long from sharing my feelings/burde…
By registered users: 22
Dynamic meditation
Lorena Ulloa Mayorga
40 Days Meditating To Create Self Love
I decided to practice this meditation for 40 days in conjunction with the Kriya To Make You Beautifully Enchanting. During those forty days, I noticed a transformation in my thoughts and in my perspective of myself. I have noticed that this meditation h…
By registered users: 19
Dynamic meditation
Lorena Ulloa Mayorga
Meditation for the Arcline and to Clear the Karmas
Posture and Mudra: Sit in Easy Pose with a straight spine. Relax the elbows down by the sides, and bring the forearms straight out in front of your body, palms flat and facing up. Have the palms slightly cupped, and place them a few inches above the knees…
By registered users: 23
Dynamic meditation
Demi Powell
Steps to finding inner peace
“What I do is sort of like dynamic meditation. I confront the useless beliefs and ideas you cling to, in a way that you’ll react. After you’ve gotten all your pent-up emotions out, then you’re more open to what I have to say.” I was on the receiving end …
By registered users: 4
Dynamic meditation
Jeandre Gerber
What is 'Neuro-Lock' and how do I 'Get Unstuck'
Good Moon’s Day fellow Practitioners, Today, I’d like to conjure a thought about the concept of “Neurolocking” and potential strategies for ‘getting unstuck’. Now - I would love to tell you where I first heard of the concept of a “Neurouero-lock”, but a…
By registered users: 19