When People Leave and You and You are Left Feeling Abandoned-Part 2:

When People Leave and You and You are Left Feeling Abandoned-Part 2:

Lost and feeling alone, on your spiritual journey is the way you should feel, it's how grow in life. Lost and feeling alone in our relationships is when we say to ourselves it's time to move on from those relationships that just abandon us or are stringing us along with pretences.

Pretenses are for example, a few emails or whatsapp messages once every two months, because if people really wanted to be in your life they would be or perhaps they want to be but are too scared to be, because either they are telling themselves they aren't good enough and this is their belief system guiding them or they are listening to other people in the toxic group you escaped from, yes that toxic group mentality those special friends you had at one point are listening to the jealous hisses of ex girlfriends, boyfriends, or of friends of theirs you never got on with.

Or simply those special friends choosing fake admiration because they fear the real love and admiration from a true person, this experience I have lived many times in my life thus far. And let me tell you it's the most abandoned I have ever felt on top of the abandonment I felt from my own Father and Mother when she was dumped by my Father, then she had to leave me so she could work for a few years, my thoughts take me back to my abusive four years with her family, it was there my shadow was created it was there the abandonment broke my heart, fueled my rage, anger and aggression, it was there the distrust in others grew much deeper like a hole in my heart, my soul and it was there I became a Lone sigma wolf, completely reliant on myself.

Apart of life is growing, developing greater, for your spiritual path, your destiny and as a spiritual warrior fighting the ego, sometimes we must fight alone, only to ignite the power we have inside us, the power source gave us, what we were born with inside our heart and deepest etchings of our soul.

The lesson to be aware of is this, you must love yourself no matter what, accept yourself fully, validate oneself truly and no matter what set your boundaries because when we are alone vulnerable, while waiting, getting on with our journey before the right people come or perhaps the people come back grown, we will meet the fake people in between trying to screw us over, why? Because this is life! This is society, and society is B. S!

But there is hope in the abandonment, the light that shines upon us all, keeping one foot in the 5D working on yourself, your spiritual journey is what makes us bullet proof, we may get scars on that journey but we get stronger, tougher because of those wounds and the light is sharing our lessons with the next generation so they can learn.

We may have lots of sequences of abandonment in our life, but know this, sometimes when we are abandoned, we are abandoned by what doesn't serve us anymore, the universe knows, we are Co creators too, we hold the power, but the universe always guides us to better. Have faith knowing that, I try to remind myself of this too, fore I have lived this pain too.

Peace love and light

Luna Phoenix Camille
Growing Through Nature Association
Therapist Coach Teacher Speaker Writer

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