<img height="1" width="1" style="display:none" src="https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=1514203202045471&ev=PageView&noscript=1"/> Tok Sen Thai Traditional Tendon Massage | Core Spirit

Tok Sen Thai Traditional Tendon Massage

Aug 26, 2021
Reading time less than 1 minute
Do you often feel pain and discomfort in the body, specifically in the tendons?
This problem could be resolved with the help of a muscle-tendon-meridian massage Tok Sen.
It is performed with the use of wooden tools that create resonance and vibration for healing.
Tok Sen is a unique healing modality found only in the Lanna region of Thailand.🇭 It dates back over 5000 years, developing in Thailand while acupuncture developed in China.
Tok means to «clear», while Sen denotes the energy lines. Tok Sen helps to improve energy flow, relieve aching muscles, and maintain healthy tendons.
How it works? Wooden tools send mechanical and sound vibrations deep into the fascia, tendons, and muscles to clear blocked energy from the channels in the body.
If you would like to experience this massage to heal yourself, book a healing Tok Sen session with Lora Al-Awar today!
You will experience:
Sound vibrations working on fascial and muscular tissues
Your body's meridian lines opening to facilitate the movement of prana life-force energy.
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