Tarotscope for the month of August

Selena joy Lovett
Core Spirit member since Jun 10, 2020
3m read
·Jul 30, 2020

Compassion and love for others and yourself


This month calls for compassion – towards you and to others. We are living in times where there is a lot of judgement and criticism going on – everyone has an opinion and its fashionable and acceptable to point fingers on reality shows in magazines/papers openly criticising someone’s looks, size, mannerisms – when we are subjected to this type of behaviour if we are not careful then we can start taking on this way of being and end up following along and find that we are just as bad; putting people down and then that behaviours turns on ourselves as we end up fault-finding what we look like, wear and everything that comes out of our mouths – suffering from loss of confidence as we presume everyone is criticising us as that’s what we become to think is normal behaviour – well it isn’t!!! Together we can change this – be the ripple in the river – it starts with de-toxing what we watch and who we follow on social media – clean it out so you have positive role models and people who are uplifting to others. This month is a time for self-love forgiveness, self-care, compassion and helping others rise up. This month start of a new habit, every time you go to say something negative about yourself or others, replace it with something kind or don’t say anything at all!! Replacing these negative thoughts/words will leave room for clear energy to come through cleansing yourself from negative cords from the past and awakening new love for life. Live this month with love.


It’s time to cherish the love you have in your life, maybe you have been too busy or distracted to notice or nourish your relationships. Now’s the time to focus on spending time and energy on building up, bonding and connecting relationships with loved ones.

The moon shines her light down to uncover any mysteries that may be hidden in the darkness – have you been hiding your true thoughts and feelings – is there honesty within the relationship? maybe it’s time to share and spend some quality time together talking and connecting without distractions focusing on each other and allowing each other the freedom to be true.


If things have felt that they are swaying all over the place then this feels like a time where old fashion morals and traditions will work for you. Time to get your head down and work it may feel monotonous but this is the way towards success and building something that will last. It may mean studying some more to update your skills or learning from people that have been where you are and may have some advice to share. If you need help don’t be afraid to reach out as you will find if you ask you will be lifted up, workload will be lifted or you will be put into a positive position in a new job but something that fits well that you almost feel you’ve been there before. Money and luck are around so start practicing the law of attraction and focus on the positive – what you have and what you are aiming for and not the lack.


When Kali appears in a reading allow her to help you let go of all that’s no longer needed and allow the changes to take place. With her powerful swords, she will cut away the cords from past attachments that may be draining your energy releasing you and allowing you to move forward with a renewed passion for life and love. Allow changes to happen – open your arms wide and embrace the new.

Selena joy Lovett
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