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Stay Healthy This Holiday Season

Dec 24, 2020
Welcome Cure Pvt. Ltd
Core Spirit member since Nov 3, 2020
Reading time 3 min.

Well let’s start this blog with good wishes for Christmas and the New Year! May this holiday season bringhappiness and prosperity.

Holiday season means gatherings, fun, family and food. Good laugh and nice food with family is the essence of holidays. Lots of food and bonding over food is the motto!

However, amidst the fun, we forget to look after what we are eating. This affects our metabolism, leads to weight gain and many more issues. How about we devour delicious foods without regret? Here are some pro tips for healthy eating this holiday season:

Choose healthy:

 While planning food menus include healthy foods as starters and add salads. They will fill your tummy so,you will be less likely to eat junk.

 If you are hosting parties, choose option of baking over deep frying.

 Use natural sugars like jaggery, honey instead of white sugar in desserts. Use whole wheat grains instead of refined carbohydrates wherever possible.

 Modify recipes to make them heart healthy. Your family will love this thoughtfulness. For example use yogurt replacing mayonnaise or cheese; use fruits for natural sweetness and decorations instead of sauces.

 Avoid keeping chips, nuggets as starters; rather use roasted dry fruits, fox nut, grilled veggie cutlets as options.

 Keep lots of games, dancing, and other fun activities to engage and use the calories.

Shopping before parties:

 Use ingredients labels as guide while shopping for groceries before parties. Avoid trans fats, hidden sugar and fried items as far as possible. Choose healthier variants.

 Avoid going shopping on empty stomach. People tend to buy unnecessary while hungry.

Attending parties:

 Focus on fun & socialization and not on food.

 Avoid standing or sitting near food counters.

 Do not over stack your plate. Take small portions and properly chew food. Take your time to eat, be mindful and conscious of every bite you are taking. Eating slowly gives more sense of fullness.

 Avoid skipping meals while anticipating feasts, this will do more harm. Eat some nuts or healthy snacks before going to parties.

 Drink more water; avoid sugary drinks and too much alcohol.

 Never consume alcohol on empty stomach.

 Eat your favourite food first. Let your body enjoy your craving but the key is to eat and savour slowly, to avoid overeating. Eating healthy foods first, leaves small space for unhealthy foods.

 Do not eat very late, try to maintain your dinner schedule.

 Eat early and take a walk after eating.

 Avoid very high fat food, sugary foods; if you really need to, then watch your portion and cut back on other carbohydrates. Key is the balance.

 Listen to your body cues, when you feel full, it’s time to stop.

The next week:

 It is easy to read tips but very difficult to resist your favourites during holidays. If you cannot control your indulgence this holiday season, make sure you balance calories next week.

 Add a little more workout to your regular exercise.

 Eat very healthy for the next week. Avoid all trans fat foods and junks. Avoid alcohol

 Eat whole grains, fruits, vegetables more.

Bottom line,use balance and moderation as the tool to relish this festive season healthily and enjoy festival with friends and family. Leave all stress behind but keep mask, sanitizer and social distance in mind.

Welcome cure team wishes all the best to you and your family this festive time.

Welcome Cure Pvt. Ltd
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