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Welcome Cure Pvt. Ltd

Welcome Cure is among the largest online treatment platforms that provide end-to-end Homeopathy treatment solutions which includes doctor consultations, doorstep medicine delivery, digital storage of health records, and personalized diet & lifestyle advis…
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Expert in the fields:Hair analysis (alternative medicine)/Homeopathy/Health Psychology/5:2 Diet/Herbal therapy
On Core Spirit since November 2020
Developmental Psychology
Welcome Cure Pvt. Ltd
Special needs children: Tips for managing better
Children with Autism, ADHD, Down Syndrome, Neurological disorders, Sensory impairment, Learning disabilities and Cerebral Palsy need extra attention; care and therapies which help them become independent and responsible adults. Many such children are ver…
Welcome Cure Pvt. Ltd
The Second Wave:COVID 19- Everything we need to know about it and protect ourselves
There was a small but significant respite from coronavirus, with steady decline in cases in the last few months of 2020. But the sudden spike of Cornovirus cases with rapid mutations of virus has again put us on our toes. Life has again come to a standsti…
Welcome Cure Pvt. Ltd
About 60% of human body is made up of water. Our blood is 90% water. Water is life and it is true in every sense. Water helps in maintaining body temperature, drains out toxins and also helps in proper organ functioning. We get our water from consuming s…
Welcome Cure Pvt. Ltd
We had just celebrated and embraced the glory of every woman in this International women’s day on March 8. Input of women in political, social, economical, cultural, educational, domestic, financial, spiritual fields are globally recognized and celebrated…
Developmental Psychology
Welcome Cure Pvt. Ltd
Tips to Improve Your Child’s Learning Skills
A lot of curious parents or parents with kids who face troubles in school often want to know- ‘Is there a way to make the kid learn faster?’ or ‘Is there something that we can do to boost their IQ?’ So,in today’s blog we will explain certain things that …
Welcome Cure Pvt. Ltd
10 Ways to Keep your Heart healthy
Do you know Cardio vascular diseases are the leading cause of deaths in world? This silent yet lethal disease has surpassed all types of cancers in killing people. Each year almost 18 million lives are lost to heart diseases; which is 31% of total deaths …
Negative calorie Diet
Welcome Cure Pvt. Ltd
Do not let negative thoughts pull you down!
Research shows that an average human being has around 70000 thoughts each day, many of which are repetitions. Well so much work by our brain hence no wonder it needs 20% of body’s oxygen and energy while weighing only 1500 grams. Dwelling on negative tho…
Inner Child Healing
Welcome Cure Pvt. Ltd
Common Health Issues bothering Infants with Home Remedies
Parents are extremely worried when their little one’s gets sick. Apprehension is manifold higher if you are a first-time parent. But, if you are aware of some common diseases babies get and what you can do to soothe them, won’t it make your life easy? So,…
Welcome Cure Pvt. Ltd
often have we heard mothers or doctor’s advice their kids or patients to eat iron rich food? Often, we wonder, why a mineral is so necessary for our body and how we will ensure its enough supply. Today in this blog, we will discuss everything important pe…
Herbal Medicine (Herbalism)
Welcome Cure Pvt. Ltd
5 Healthy resolutions to kick start your new year!
2021: A new year with new hope and aspirations. With every coming new year, we except so much from ourselves and make resolutions; but we hardly keep all of them till year end. Last year we were hit by pandemic which affected every life in some or other w…
Welcome Cure Pvt. Ltd
Stay Healthy This Holiday Season
Well let’s start this blog with good wishes for Christmas and the New Year! May this holiday season bringhappiness and prosperity. Holiday season means gatherings, fun, family and food. Good laugh and nice food with family is the essence of holidays. Lot…
Welcome Cure Pvt. Ltd
Tips to improve your metabolism
“I just don’t understand, why it always happens to me Mama, I eat less yet gain so much weight; while look at Jenny, she eats a ton, never exercises, still she never pops up on weighing scale. I am so frustrated and disheartened”, complained Ruby to her m…
Welcome Cure Pvt. Ltd
5 Things That the Year 2020 Has Taught Us
The year 2020, sigh! What a year has it been? Did anyone of us, even in our wildest dream even think about it? We are sure no! Well the year 2020 has literally changed everything! There is not a single person who can say that he or he has not been affecte…
Welcome Cure Pvt. Ltd
Everything you Need to Know about Winter Skincare
Winters are here, there is a nip in the air. Most of us love this weather as it makes us want to be in our favourite blanket, with a cup of hot chocolate and our favourite book. However, winters can be a big issue for most of us. Winters bring dryness wi…
Welcome Cure Pvt. Ltd
Why Should You Choose Homoeopathy for Your Family?
Homoeopathy– the first word it comes to your mind is for treating chronic problems. Or problems that will take a long time to heal. Well we are here to bust this myth today, Homoeopathy Is the most gentle, most natural and the best way to give all your p…
Welcome Cure Pvt. Ltd
World Pneumonia Day &Management of Pneumonia
World Pneumonia Day is observed on November 12 to create awareness about pneumonia. This is a preventable&amp; treatable disease but may cause death mostly in children below 5 yrs of age. Firstly, let us gain some information about Pneumonia. Our lungs a…
Welcome Cure Pvt. Ltd
Tips for Coping Stress and Depression during the Holiday Season
Have you been struggling with stress or depression? These have become so common nowadays and may ruin your holidays or affect your health. You can easily overcome this situation by adopting few techniques discussed below that will shed off all your stress…
Welcome Cure Pvt. Ltd
PMS Simplified and Explained!
PMS or Premenstrual syndrome is a common condition affecting most of the menstruating women nowadays. Usually PMS manifest itself in the form of abdominal cramps, bloating, headache, migraine &amp; mood swings. In case you find one or more of these sympto…
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New article Special needs children: Tips for managing better already available! Read it now

New article The Second Wave:COVID 19- Everything we need to know about it and protect ourselves already available! Read it now

New article HEALTH BENEFITS OF CONSUMING SUFFICIENT WATER already available! Read it now

New article DO NOT LET ANYONE DEFINE YOU; YOU DO YOU GIRL! already available! Read it now

New article Tips to Improve Your Child’s Learning Skills already available! Read it now

New article 10 Ways to Keep your Heart healthy already available! Read it now

New article Do not let negative thoughts pull you down! already available! Read it now

New article Common Health Issues bothering Infants with Home Remedies already available! Read it now

New article LOW ON IRON STORES? HERE IS WHAT YOU SHOULD BE EATING already available! Read it now

New article 5 Healthy resolutions to kick start your new year! already available! Read it now

New article Stay Healthy This Holiday Season already available! Read it now

New article Tips to improve your metabolism already available! Read it now

New article 5 Things That the Year 2020 Has Taught Us already available! Read it now

New article Everything you Need to Know about Winter Skincare already available! Read it now

New article Why Should You Choose Homoeopathy for Your Family? already available! Read it now

New article World Pneumonia Day &Management of Pneumonia already available! Read it now

New article Tips for Coping Stress and Depression during the Holiday Season already available! Read it now

New article PMS Simplified and Explained! already available! Read it now