Reflexology helping Relaxation
I have numerous clients who, for a variety of reasons, have forgotten how to relax. As the pace of life gains momentum with everyone trying to squeeze 36 hours into 24 it is interesting to see clients become so relaxed that they need time to come round after a session of reflexology.
Helping people to relax, finding a process that they feel comfortable with has now become a part of the session. Some clients are initially sceptical about alternative therapies but when relaxation and meditation techniques work for them, they accept that they are feeling the benefits but still struggle to understand why.
I am seeing a marked increase in the number of people trying to find alternatives to more and more tablets, even medical professionals are referring clients. Well being and mindfulness is gradually becoming the norm and losing the ‘alternative’ tag.
I am 65 years old try to live a reasonably healthy life and don’t take any tablets, I practice what I suggest to my clients. If people can build relaxation/meditation into their daily routine the results can be amazing.
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