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Reconnecting with Your Authentic Voice

Jun 15, 2023

Do you remember the sheer joy and excitement you felt when your first article was about to be published? It was a magical time when the only thing that mattered was the words you wrote and the thoughts you expressed.

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to lose sight of our own unique writing skills and become consumed by views and likes.
But let us not forget that writing is a canvas where we can freely express ourselves, playing with our favorite colors without the burden of external validation.

Explore the importance of staying true to ourselves and the liberating power of embracing our authentic voice, even in a world obsessed with metrics.

Trusting Your Writing Skills:

It’s essential to trust your own writing skills and have confidence in your unique voice. Remember, writing is an art form, and your thoughts and ideas are your masterpiece. Allow yourself the freedom to write without constant worry about the number of likes or views your work will receive. Trust that your writing has value and will resonate with those who truly connect with your authentic voice.

Rediscovering the Joy of Writing:

Reconnect with the pure joy of writing, just like in those early days when you wrote solely for the love of it. Tap into your creativity and let your words flow freely, unencumbered by the pressure of external validation. Embrace the sense of freedom and self-expression that comes from writing without the constraints of seeking approval from others.

Writing as a Personal Journey:

View writing as a personal journey of self-discovery and growth. Embrace the process of exploring your thoughts, emotions, and ideas through your words. Use writing as a means to better understand yourself and connect with others on a deeper level. Remember, the true value of writing lies in the impact it has on you and those who resonate with your authentic voice.

Fostering Patience and Self-Acceptance:

Practice patience and self-acceptance as you navigate your writing journey. Recognize that growth takes time and that every writer’s path is unique. Focus on honing your skills, developing your craft, and staying true to yourself. Remember, the number of likes or views does not define your worth as a writer. Embrace the journey, celebrate small victories, and enjoy the process of self-expression.

Final Thoughts:

In a world obsessed with likes and views, it’s crucial to reclaim the joy and authenticity of writing. Be proud of your writing skills and trust your unique voice. Remember that writing is an art form where you have the freedom to express yourself without constraints. Embrace the process, stay true to your authentic voice, and don’t let external validation overshadow the joy of writing. So, unleash your creativity, write with passion, and let your words create an impact that goes beyond mere likes and views.

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Afsheen Shah11mo ago

Yes, it is so important to be yourself and your tribe will connect to your writing.