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Open Eyed Meditation

Apr 4, 2023
Hari Krishna
Core Spirit member since Oct 21, 2020
Reading time 2 min.

“A long dream is this; like sleep, this perishes every day; in the same way, dream also;
The perishing intelligence does not see what belongs to aloneness, and hence is constantly confused”

I am going to share an open eye meditation for everyone here. The meditation requires a very deep introspective analysis of one’s personal experience, at a time whether we remember or are going through a crisis. The crisis can be seen as a phantom even while you are living it. This can be accomplished only when we detach our minds in the thick of the actual situation and can see how the exciting elements are passing into a retentive world even as we are living them in the here and now.
Quietly watch the pain and write descriptions of exactly how it feels like, immediately we ll see that there comes a psychological turnover of our interest from the pain itself to the norms of pain, intellectually conceived. That made the pain already a phantom.

The pain becomes less painful because our interest was of a critic making a critique of it. When we become a critic of our own pain, half of it goes away. Then we question whether the other half is real, because the first half already left. This is even more poignant when we are in an angry state and we make a journal of our anger. The bulk of anger immediately dies down and becomes even humorous. It becomes so satirical of our own state of mind that we see ourself as a big fool to get angry like that.
Once we see this, the whole thing leaves us and we wonder, “what is this thing called my anger? What is this thing called my pain? What are these things called my excitement, my sense of fame, my sense of importance?” All of it is reduced to evenness. Somehow, up to now we have not cultivated that acumen. You can try it and see what kind of difference it makes.

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Afsheen Shah1y ago

I have never heard of open eye meditation. Thank you for the interesting read.