New Moon in Sagittarius
On December 1, 2024, a New Moon in Sagittarius occurred at 7:21 a.m. (West African Time). According to the house Sagittarius resides in our natal chart, New Moons are times for planting new seeds as we begin new chapters in specific aspects of our lives.
The New Moon occurred at 9°, which is the degree of Sagittarius and according to the Perry Rose Academy, it represents: 9° Sagittarius / Jupiter: college, borders, professors, foreign, travel, archery, having a plan
Sagittarius Traits
Sagittarius is a fire sign ruled by Jupiter, symbolized by the archer, representing the ability to pull back before pushing forward. The sign represents expansion, optimism, philosophy, spontaneity, truth-seeking etc.
How the Sagittarius New Moon Impacts Your Life
With a Sagittarius New Moon representing a new chapter in our house of Sagittarius, we consult the Astrology wheel to give an example of how the New Moon will affect you. You can generate your birth chart to check out which house that is.
For example, suppose you have Sagittarius in your second house of money, work, income, values, job and work ethic. This transit will bring freshness to those areas of your life. Applying the degree the New Moon occurs at will mean that you may receive a scholarship or sponsorship to further your education, you may begin a new job that increases your income drastically, you could be surprised with a job opportunity that causes you to travel or the work you’re engaged in pushes you out of your comfort zone, thus expanding your professional horizons.
Spiritual Growth during the Sagittarius New Moon
The New Moon in Sagittarius encourages courage, bravery, and curiosity, especially in truth-seeking, truth-speaking, and travel, helping you step out of your comfort zone. Even if you cannot physically travel, you will feel called to travel with your mind through reading, researching and learning about foreign cultures, history and norms. You may feel more philosophical and want to know the deeper meaning behind things. Or you may feel called to explore spirituality or spiritual perspectives in depth. A positive development will be a renewed sense of optimism and a welcome expansion in the house of Sagittarius. With this transit, you may speak more bluntly and be more direct. Ensure you find the balance when communicating to retain sensitivity.
Answer the call to break out of doing what you usually do, and explore a different route and approach. It may just lead you onto a journey that is in alignment with your soul. Some people may embark on a college course, or re-enroll in school because that is the energy of Sagittarius; learning and expanding the mind. Embrace opportunities to expand in all forms. With Mercury still in Sagittarius, reflect on the lessons learned and apply them to the themes of the appropriate house in your birth chart. The information gained from reflection can enable you to know how you plant your seeds for this new chapter and what seeds you’ll be planting. Mercury in Sagittarius has enabled us to know what didn’t work back then and how it can work better now using more effective means or abandoning certain desires completely and taking a step back to see how we are destined for better.
What this New Moon asks of you
This New Moon asks for you to reflect and come up with new ways and approaches towards the themes of the house Sagittarius is in. The themes of this house would have come up earlier in the year during the Full Moon in Sag in May, and now with the opportunity to have new beginnings in certain aspects of your life, you’re being encouraged to see the bigger picture, expand your horizons, think outside the box and push forward. Abandon old ways of doing things that didn’t work and allow a new method to take its place. You’re being called for bigger and better, release limitations and expectations and allow your life to expand spontaneously.
*Which house does Sagittarius rule in your birth chart?
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If you want to know how the New Moon in Sagittarius will shape your future, book an Astrology reading with me on Core Spirit.
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