These Natural Painkillers Are As Strong As Opiates
These Natural Painkillers Are As Strong As Opiates
This topic has been more requested than any that we have previously written about, for it catalogs the most potent of the pain-relieving herbs which are still legal at most locations. The information about these natural medicines has been sparsely distributed, but there is an underground movement of freedom fighters who are beginning to share it. This article is an attempt to unify this critically important information, and to make it easily accessible for those needing serious pain relief.
We have personally tested some of these natural medicines ourselves, and we encourage our readers to not underestimate their power, or experiment with massive doses. They are strong medicines, and they should be wisely treated with that degree of respect. Consider the sap from opium poppy flowers as an example, for it was first used to make opiates, and then it was further chemically refined to make codeine, morphine, and Heroin too. This simple plant is still the foundation of all pharmaceutical painkillers in one way or another.
We must not continue without an obligatory notice about caution. It is foolish to use any painkiller (natural or pharmaceutical) to merely mask pain instead of remedying its cause. Routinely doing so will lead to more suffering later, when more symptoms arise from the systemic problem that was ignored. Pain always indicates that something is wrong, so efforts should be made to uncover the cause and correct it. Therefore, painkillers should only be used to temporarily mitigate a patient’s suffering, while simultaneous efforts are made to eliminate the health issues that are causing pain.
There is a solution for every disease state, even when doctors swear to us that it would be impossible for us to heal, as so many of them seem to love to state. Most people are chronically diseased for most of their lives because of the lies, for they place an absolute faith in a system that is working against God’s commands with new age sorcery that is paraded to be scientific. Our dozens of plagues are the wrath of God unfolding before us, but our corrupt society is too arrogant to believe it, but never before has any war in the world’s history had the level of carnage that our ‘medicine’ is accruing yearly, and the mortality statistics clearly show this to be true. Take the pharmaceutical painkillers for making a point about how wicked and dishonest the system is. Its pain-relieving drugs are chemically engineered to create a tolerance, so increasing doses are always needed over time, as they eventually damage the liver (and other organs) to conveniently require more drugs indefinitely, and they are extremely addictive in order to ensure that victims can never free themselves. The slave masters of the past never had it this good or profitable. Meanwhile, this same industry coordinates with governments to suppress information about the organic plants that work without problems, as these plants have safely done for humanity for thousands of years, and then they outright ban the plants whenever the information can no longer be sufficiently suppressed. Good examples are the coca (cocaine) plant, the opium poppy, and of course, cannabis (marijuana). For there to be real hope of future liberty and chances to truly heal ourselves, then we must never allow it to happen again.
Kratom (Mitragyna speciosa)

Kratom is used for severe pain, such as the pain that results from car accidents and botched surgeries. It is a very strong and capable painkiller, often replacing oxycodone (Oxycontin) and hydrocodone (Vicodin). It typically causes a feeling of euphoria, relaxation, and a bizarre tingling sensation in the frontal lobes. The tingling is usually brief. Kratom is also used for reducing addictions to the pharmaceutical derivatives of opium. Such addicts can use kratom instead of the addictive drugs to curb their withdrawals. After an extended period of this therapy, addicts can stop taking kratom without incident.
Experimentats with kratom have shown that it has a tendency to cause a user to serenely reflect upon his past experiences, including unpleasant experiences that would otherwise produce a traumatic effect. Therefore, it shows great promise for psychiatric use, in a very similar manner to the drug Ecstacy (3,4-methylenedioxy-methamphetamine).
There are three varieties of kratom, and each has different properties. Although, all of the strains provide some pain relief.
The Three Types of Kratom
Red vein kratom is the strongest variety for pain relief. It is also helpful for reducing stress and anxiety. Its mental effects are similar to cannabis (marijuana) in that it tends to make people much more relaxed and less worried. In other words, everything just feels right with the world, so contentment comes easy. This emotional affect helps in making it best for those in severe pain, because severely injured people should limit their activities, so that they can heal. Like cannabis, it may also cause a slight hunger whenever it activates. This phenomenon is commonly referred to by cannabis users as “the munchies”, but it is much less intense with kratom. This variety is often sold as “Red Thai Kratom” or “Bali Kratom”.
White vein kratom is a stimulant, though it is different from pharmaceutical stimulants in that it tends to increase a person’s drive, and his desire to accomplish; rather than just providing raw energy. This herb would be an ideal aid for someone with attention deficit disorder, or anyone with energy and concentration problems. It is like an all-natural Ritalin. In this regard, it could be considered the opposite of the red vein kratom. Some people use white vein kratom in a tea, instead of having morning coffee. Although, it is alleged to have a disagreeable flavor. White vein kratom is often sold as “Maeng Da”.
Green vein kratom effects and affects its users like a blend of the other two strains, which is milder than either. It is a decent, general purpose pain reliever, and it provides some extra energy, but it does not provide the same motivational factor as the white vein kratom, nor does it blunt pain as effectively as the red vein type. It is frequently sold as “Green malay kratom”.
Kratom Dosage Recommendations
For most people, the ideal kratom dosage is between 1 and 2 grams. However, starting at 0.5 grams is wise, because this is plenty for some people, especially those of lower body weights. Kratom capsules typically contain 0.5 grams each. Those who are using kratom for opiate addictions will need to use higher doses to offset their cravings. Some experimentation will be needed. Kratom must be swallowed to be effective. Smoking it provides no benefit. There will be variances in both the effect and the time that it takes to become active, because it is a natural herb that cannot be chemically standardized. In an empty stomach, its effects may begin within 10 minutes, but the time will be an hour in some cases. Once active, kratom has a very persistent effect that can last for 24 hours, or even more. High doses can cause nausea, which generally only happens to those who have taken extreme amounts to get “high”.

CBD (cannabidiol) is useful for treating pain and anxiety. It is a compound that occurs naturally in the hemp and cannabis (marijuana) plants. It is the reason why cannabis has earned such an enduring reputation as a pain reliever. CBD has no known harmful effects, but it is known to come with a plethora of benefits.
In fact, these medicinal benefits are the reasons behind the push for medical marijuana. People have known of its medicinal benefits for eons, including doctors who prescribed marijuana as an official medicine in past centuries, but it has only been in recent history that the specific CBD compound was identified and isolated. It has medicinal value only. There are no narcotic effects from CBD usage; so in other words, there is never a “high”.
In fact, CBD can be used to neutralize the “high” of cannabis, for those who take things a little too far. What a person instead gets is a state of normalcy. This normalcy can truly be heavenly however, for those who suffer from chronic pain or anxiety — just being normal again. In some cases, CBD works better than kratom as a painkiller, which puts it on-par with the most powerful pharmaceutical painkillers. We have had reports that it can even alleviate much of the pain of neuropathy, which nothing else does. The beneficial effects of the CBD usually last 6-7 hours.
Wild Opium Lettuce (Lactuca serriola)

Wild opium lettuce grows throughout the world in various backyards and near roadsides. It loves to grow near asphalt. The plant is usually considered to be an invasive weed, and it certainly is the ugliest of the plants mentioned herein. When its leaves are scored, they release a milky sap. This sap mimics opium, hence its common name, “wild opium lettuce” or simply “opium lettuce”. The plant’s leaves are broken from the plant and scratched to release the sap, and then it is collected. It is a type of natural latex which is typically formed into pill-like balls. These can be directly consumed as pills, or smoked inside of a pipe. Opium lettuce is often reported to cause a numbing sensation that is felt spreading throughout the body. This feeling is particularly noticeable when the lettuce is smoked. It does not usually impart a euphoric or a “high” feeling.
There are few studies of opium lettuce in the Western world, but researchers in Iran have confirmed that opium lettuce was well known as a painkiller and sedative before the Victorian period. Thus, it is likely that it has been used for eons. In the paper, Lettuce, lactuca sp. as a Medicinal Plant in Polish Publications of the 19th Century, the Institute for the History of Science affirmed,
“The action of the substance was weaker than that of opium, but free of the side-effects, and medical practice showed that in some cases lactucarium produced better curative effects than opium”.
Despite opium lettuce not containing opium, it has multiple characteristics that are similar to it. In addition to its pain-relieving properties, it is also known for assisting with coughs. It has even been used successfully in the mitigation of whooping cough (pertussis) symptoms.
The Servall Company published a catalog of medicinal plants in 1917, which was entitled Health from Field and Forest. It stated that opium lettuce was “highly esteemed to quiet coughing and allay nervous irritation, a good safe remedy to produce sleep, to be used when opium and other narcotics are objectionable”. When it was written, codeine and opium were still widely available without a prescription. Both were considered to be safe and effective medicines, yet opium lettuce was known to be even safer.
Eating large doses of opium lettuce can cause nausea, vomiting, anxiety, and dizziness. So, it is probably best not to use it in a salad. The powdered leaves lack most of the effects of the sap, though the powder has a history of being used to remedy sunburns.
You can read more about this plant here.
Opium Lettuce Dosage Recommendations
Approximately 1.5 grams of opium lettuce sap is typically infused in a tea. It is alleged to have a sweet taste. Only about 0.25 grams are smoked in a pipe. It is considerably more potent when .
Blue Lotus (Nymphaea caerulea)

can be used by both men and women as an aphrodisiac. It is a painkiller that is especially useful for relieving muscle spasms, migraines, and tinnitus (ringing in the ears). It can be smoked, which is especially beneficial for eliminating migraine headaches, since they usually accompany nausea. Blue lotus is reported to be “not as strong as codeine”, but it is effective in remedying migraines, menstrual cramps, and various moderate pains.
While it is weaker as a painkiller than the other herbs within this article, amongst the things that it does do, it does them best. Those who are researching this plant should be aware that it is commonly confused with the lotus (Nelumbo nucifera), but in fact, the “blue lotus” is a water lily. There are no blue members of the lotus family of plants.
Blue lotus flowers are often used to make teas, wines, and martinis. The effects of the plant are amplified whenever it is combined with alcohol. There is very little of a mental effect from it, though it can produce a feeling of relaxation in high amounts.
In large doses, it can produce a slight “high” feeling that is allegedly similar to that of cannabis. However, extreme dosages should not be necessary for medicinal use.
Blue Lotus Dosage Recommendations
Typical recipes involve soaking 10-20 grams of petals for up to three weeks in an alcohol solution. Blue lotus tea is prepared by boiling the flowers (the petals and flower heads) for 10-20 minutes. When it is smoked, the petals and the flower heads are combined inside a pipe.
Kava Kava (Piper methysticum)

is used to relieve anxiety, and to remedy the pain of sore muscles. It appears to have an ability to relax the muscles throughout the body. It imparts a euphoric state when it is consumed in large amounts. The euphoric feeling that is produced by kava has often been compared to alcoholic drunkenness. There are a few rumors of it having caused hallucinations on the Internet, though they all appear to have occurred from the use of strange mixes that contained chemicals. It is known to be especially helpful for tension headache relief. Kava kava contains an anti-spasmotic called nuciferine, so it might be useful for both epilepsy and ADD. Note that attention deficit disorder is in part a seizure disorder, but this has been whitewashed by the psychiatric establishment throughout the last decade.
The University of Minnesota found that kava “prevented the formation of 99 percent of tumors in a mouse lung tumorigenesis model that is routinely used in predicting lung cancer behavior in humans”. In the same study, DNA damage resulting from cigarette carcinogens was reduced significantly with kava kava supplementation. Researchers noticed that despite similar smoking rates, the lung cancer rate in Fiji, where kava tea is a staple beverage, is approximately 1/20th of the rate for American smokers.
Thus, we recommend it for everyone who smokes, alongside regular supplementation with L-taurine, and the use of self-rolled, organic cigarettes to prevent lung cancers.
Kava Kava Dosage Recommendations
The typical amount used in tea is about 3-5 flowers, which is about 5 grams. It may be drank in a tea form, or put into capsules and swallowed, or even smoked. The amount used for smoking varies greatly.
Additional Advice About Natural Painkiller Dosages
The dosage weights that are provided in this report are much smaller than what can be calculated by a normal scale. Scales that are designed for such small weights can be found ’.
Growing Your Own Natural Painkillers
Painkillers cited here can be grown or purchased. These medicines tend to be very cheap, and yet very potent.
Kratom is natively grown in Thailand, and it can be grown in warmer climates. It has been successfully grown in Florida, Hawaii, and parts of California. However, those in colder regions have had success with growing kratom indoors, near a window. Growing it indoors is problematic, because kratom is a tree that eventually grows to become quite large if it is not pruned regularly. Never use any fertilizer on kratom, except for natural manure. Chemical fertilizers always kill it. It is a mystery as to why this happens.
Opium lettuce grows like a weed. It does not need much care, and it will even die if pampered. It likes shade, and it does not like for soil to be too moist. Once cultivated outdoors, the plant should spread literally like a weed, so that opium lettuce plants will be found throughout the area. One only needs to loosen the soil, sprinkle the seeds atop the soil, and keep the soil slightly moist.
Given that blue lotus is a water lily, a pond is needed to grow them. However, the plants are usually sprouted indoors. To do so, add a layer of soil to the bottom of a small pot or pan, then fill to the brim with warm water. Once the soil has settled, attempt to level and compact it. Sprinkle the seeds as evenly as possible, and add a thin layer of white sand on top of the seeds. This helps to anchor them. Adding water after adding the seeds will bury them, and prevent them from growing. When leaves appear from the seeds, the baby plants can be gently moved to a permanent home, such as an outdoor pond.
Kava kava grows in tropical climates, and it favors Hawaii. It can be grown in cooler climates if it is taken indoors during the colder months, though it will need to be pruned to keep it manageable. It takes at least four years for kava kava to reach maturity. At four years of age, the lateral roots are then collected. These roots grow just under the surface of the earth. The plant will die if the roots are collected early, and the roots will not contain the active constituents.
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