<img height="1" width="1" style="display:none" src="https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=1514203202045471&ev=PageView&noscript=1"/> It's not what you think. And it's biting you hard right now. | Core Spirit

It's not what you think. And it's biting you hard right now.

Mar 18, 2022
Noy Shani
Core Spirit member since Dec 17, 2021
Reading time 2 min.

It's not what you think.

And it's biting you hard right now.

No, I am not talking about Ernie right there at the back. He's kinda cute.


Burnout is not what people think it is.

And this is a stigma that has to stop.

It's this stigma that has people not asking for professional help or keep it to themselves for years, or even decades.

It's a major cause of loss of livelihood, joy and even in the long term a silent killer.

Whoa that's some heavy stuff Noy hold it right there!

But it's right whether you want to admit it or not.

We all suffered burnout in our life, short or long-term, and probably more than a couple of times.

It's not what people think.

It's not what you think.

Burnout is not just when you experience a severe episode of depression and having nightmares dreading what's coming next.

And it's not just when fights or major disagreements occur until a breaking point.

Those at times is part of it, but most of the times burnout is much more subtle and 'hidden'.

It could be your loss of motivation or even temporary enthusiasm of life.

Perhaps it's you having your already 4th cup of coffee just to keep awake.

Your persistent muscle aches and headaches = potential burnout. Yes.

The fact you may find it hard to focus or concentrate for a long period of time or finding yourself procrastinating more often than not.

Maybe even neglecting hobbies and certain relationships, just because you don't have the energy.

You get the picture right?

Burnout is not what you think. It's everywhere, and it's biting you hard right now, reducing your immunity in the long run.

It's time you you take action, before it's too late.

We believe in you,
Noy & Ernie

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