How to become Wonderful Being of Pure Awareness? Free Book and exercises for the awakening.

Core Spirit member since Aug 19, 2020
4m read
·Sep 1, 2020

friends, let’s continue with the comparison between the Toltec system for personal evolution and my model of awakening. First, I will refresh
your memory with the previous four paragraphs:

my awakening, still unknown beings activated me in 2004 with removing karmicons blockades from my energy body, I continued with my personal evolution. When
I awoke after the awakening I was feeling fantastic. Calm, clear,
relaxed, and naturally happy. I was super! First time in my life I was really great.

a couple of days, I was back in the old mess of uncertainty, fears,
worries, and stupidities. For a day or two I was crawling in the emotional-mental septics and after that, I was new and well again. I
was jumping in and out for a month. I liked very much the new state of peace, clarity, and happiness and I wanted to be forever new. That’s why
I developed special exercises that are very simple, understandable, and easily useful for everybody in everyday life. They are very efficient.
The exercises for the awakening.”

This is the second part of this reading in which you will see all that you can accomplish with the exercises for the awakening.

regular practice, I released all of my partial personalities and their harmful behaviors, Importance and Poorness, stopped to oblivion myself, and fully stabilized in 1 year. I reached the perfect and permanent state of Pure Awareness and stayed in my true home. 14 years without one interruption.

More about the exercises for the awakening with which you will – in Toltec language:

  • - become aware of the Awareness and become the Being of Pure Awareness
  • - easily stop the internal dialogue and stay in inner silence for hours
  • - stop the world as you knew it before
  • - become perfect stalkers of your partial personalities
  • - release all of your users and wasters or beneficial energy, save it and gain it
  • - completely get rid of the ego
  • - easily learn lucid dreaming
  • - create and strengthen your unbendable intention and become impeccable without the teacher
  • - become candidates for the enlightenment and transformation into a light being
  • - you will much better understand books of Carlos Castaneda or even actually understand them for the first time:)

the presentation of my model for natural life. Before that here are the
main features of the Toltec system for personal evolution.”

will continue with the comparison between the Toltec system and my model in my next articles. Here are basic exercises for the awakening from the 1. book of Letters to Palkies Messages to my friends on another planet.

“Dear friends, these are exercises for awakening.With
exercises, you will slowly release partial personalities and their
harmful behavior and become aware that you are Beings of Pure Awareness,
wonderful Beings of Love and Wisdom.

1. Observe your thoughts, feelings, emotions, words, body postures, and moves and actions.

  1. When you notice that you think harmful thoughts, feel uncomfortable, and expressing negative emotions, speak harmful words and that your body is tensed and or you are doing harmful actions, stop immediately. Stop and if it’s possible, sit or lay down. If it’s possible and necessary go away from the place of harmful action.

3. Breathe in and breathe out and relax. Breathe deeper and slower.

4. Observe your body and relax tense parts until you are relaxed. Start with your feet and then move slowly up to your head.

  1. When your body is fully relaxed move your attention from physical to your energy body. You can easily feel it near your hands and feet like a
    lively tingling. With the relaxation of the physical body, the energy body will relax, too.

  2. Be aware of your Awareness. Simply be aware that you are aware. With
    moving the attention from the physical and energy body you will move to your
    Pure Awareness, to your Essence.

At the same time, you will notice that you have stopped immediately and easily your mind and all thoughts. Your physical and energy bodies will be completely relaxed as well. Be in your Pure Awareness for a while and enjoy it.

  1. In this state review the harmful behavior and event. Don’t comment on it,
    don’t blame and judge nobody. Just neutrally review it from the start to the end. Pay attention to your mental, emotional or physical reactions.
    If you react and harmful thoughts, feelings, emotions, and body tensions appear, start the exercise from the beginning. Now you know how to do it:)

  2. Harmful actions write in your awakening diary and empty your mind and body of harmful content. Later you will use your note as a reminder for the next time when harmful behavior may appear.

  3. Make a decision that you won’t do that again. You can use the simple
    statement: »I am loving being.« Add the new decision: »I don’t curse, I
    don’t blame; I don’t judge; I don’t lie; I don’t cheat; I don’t steal; I
    don’t fight, etc.« Close your statement with: »I am always and to
    everybody nice, friendly and I am telling the truth.«

10. Observe your thoughts, feelings, emotions, words, body postures, and moves and actions.

the exercises, and you will find out how valuable are these exercises for you and your darlings. I am glad that you will soon find out how
Wonderful you are.

All the best.


In the 1. Book
of Letters to Palkies, there are also the advanced exercises for the awakening. Among others, there is a Breathe of Love with which you will learn in minutes to shine the Love whenever you want.

this article, Free e-Book Where are Don Juan and Carlos Castaneda? and exercises for the awakening to your friends. Thank you very much.

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