Ethereal Fai
Core Spirit member since Oct 29, 2023
5m read
·May 24, 2024

There will be a Full Moon in Sagittarius on the 23rd of May 2024 at 2 degrees. This Full Moon will occur at 1:52 pm GMT.

A Full Moon represents the completion and closing of chapters according to the themes of the house Sagittarius resides in. Therefore with the Full Moon, you will find certain chapters of your life are coming to a close to welcome a newer and more fulfilling chapter along those themes.

Sagittarius is a fire sign and the sign of the archer. It represents adventure, honesty, optimism, independence, philosophy, passion etc. and is ruled by the planet of Jupiter.

You can utilise the characteristics of the sign of Sagittarius to navigate through the theme of the house it resides in.

This moon occurs at 2 degrees Sagittarius and 2 degrees is a Taurus degree representing finances, wealth, nature, luxury, comfort, luxurious spaces and experiences, sensuality, values etc.

What does this mean?

It means that the Full Moon’s energy is focused on these themes in addition to that of the house Sagittarius is in. The Full Moon energies impact the themes of the Taurus degree in what one hopes to be a positive way if they are aligned energetically. This could mean an unexpected financial breakthrough that opens your life up to a luxurious standard you couldn’t access in the past or you could have a change that indicates a move to a different location with a higher level of comfort from one’s previous abode.

Looking at Sagittarius in your chart
If you have Sagittarius in the second house of finances, values, self-esteem, work etc. There will be a completion and closing of a chapter with your finances that could be due to starting a new job that pays more and gives you the financial stability you seek. It could be the last time you ever experience financial insecurity and begin to attract opportunities that upgrade your finances. You could also close a chapter of your self-esteem and self-worth, meaning that you will begin a new chapter in which you embody your worth and know your value and operate as such, therefore inviting higher quality life experiences and connections as you embody high standards for yourself with boundaries. As a result, you see a level up in your life experiencing exactly what you want in a positive and passionate light.

Application of the degree: The upgrades from the example above could lead to a life in which you build your finances enabling you to afford luxuries you envisioned for yourself, and experiences because you hold yourself in high regard and operate according to your values.

If Sagittarius is in your tenth house of reputation, career, public image, long-term goals and fame. You could find yourself closing a chapter along a specific career path, to begin a new one or experience a change in your long-term goals. You could also see this begins a new chapter of fame and immense recognition for you, where previous work you’ve done finally pays off, bringing a positive change to your reputation and public image.

Application of the degree: Same as before. However, with increased fame and recognition, you may be called to reassess your values according to the changes you experience to ensure you act in integrity and uphold the reputation you seek to have.

Generally, this Full Moon spotlights where you need to apply more passion, optimism and adventure. How can you approach the themes of your Sagittarius house differently? What tools or skills must you embrace as you close the old chapter? What wisdom or philosophies will you carry into the new one? How can you expand on this new energy being ushered into your house of Sagittarius? It would be a good time to think outside the box.

This Full Moon also occurs opposite the planets Jupiter (planet of expansion, fortune and luck) and Venus (planet of beauty, finances, values and ruler of Taurus) etc. The power of the Moon will be applied to these planets which happen to be in the sign of Taurus so you will also need to reference the house Taurus is in. This transit could prove beneficial for the Taurus house as Jupiter is in the final degree of Taurus before it heads to Gemini on May 25th, as a result, it could present a gift before it leaves Taurus. As Jupiter expands and Venus harmonises, I believe this transit will be highly positive for the Taurus house, and capitalising on the qualities of Sagittarius, you could use this transit in your favour. For example, seeking truth, expanding your perspective, and being open-minded and adventurous will take you down unexpected paths that could lead to unexpected prizes. Maybe it’s time to do something differently as this chapter closes.

Tarot Reading

1: The World Reversed + The Lovers

2: The Emperor Reversed + The Page of Coins

3: Knight of Cups Reversed + The Moon Reversed

With the World reversed, an incomplete cycle is ongoing and this may be in line with a divinely connected partnership that could be romantic or platonic. The Lovers speaks of a Divine connection guided by angelic beings and forces leading you to the path you’re destined to be on. The Emperor in reverse speaks of incoming stability and security that has been delayed due to a lack of union within one’s self that has prevented union externally with the right person or people. This is further affirmed by the Page of Coins who speaks of an incoming offer that may seem small at first, but is rather valuable. The Page speaks of how this offer will be from someone or people wanting to form a valuable connection with you, which turns out to benefit you in a way that brings stability and security personally and could also mean attracting a masculine figure(s) that will seek to provide and protect you or provide you with an opportunity that does that for you.

The Knight of Cups speaks of a delayed incoming emotional offer because things have yet to balance out behind the scenes, but it’s still an offer you can expect. The Moon speaks of the revelation of truths and the Lovers speaks of conversations that will reveal those truths and move incoming partnerships forward. Some things have been hidden from you that will come to light with this moon, trust in divine timing. I do see an emotional offer coming in soon from someone passionate about you, and as Knights are messengers, you can expect a message soon that will be of great benefit. The Knight in reverse could also represent a platonic offer but I do feel the element of love is stronger here as the moon also represents romance.

Overall, expect changes in your stability, security, an honest conversation, a love and job offer and the ability to move forward into a new chapter.

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