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Demi Powell
Wiccan Philosophy
Many people still think Witchcraft doesn’t go much beyond old hags flying on broomsticks. Maybe such a view suffices when reading fairy tales to children, but in daily life it most certainly does not. Witchcraft – or Wicca as it is nowadays known – is an …
By registered users: 12
Demi Powell
Talking about Occultism in today's world
Two of humanity’s most fascinating, and troublesome, traits are our imagination and our capacity to contemplate the hidden. In a way, these are the same trait, as thinking about the hidden depends on imagination, and humans have erected fabulously complex…
By registered users: 13
Core Spirit Ratings
TOP-5 CORE SPIRIT BEST practitioners, December 2020
We score our practitioners according to their activity: including published articles, added services and provided videos for Core Spirit. The best (most active) practitioners of this month are: 1. Transpersonal psychotherapist Darren Peters combines his …
By registered users: 19
Chaos Store
Rock music in Wiccan worship
Terry Riley, high priest of the Southern Delta Church of Wicca (a part of the Aquarian Tabernacle Church), is preparing a Grease ritual for an upcoming new moon. It’ll be a”special circle” that will have”a double high priest and a double high priestess s…
By registered users: 20
Emma Wood
Where Do I Start My Wiccan Practice?
You’ve heard this story play out several times before (or maybe you’re even starring in a remake right now): someone wakes up and it dawns on them–they’re supposed to be Wiccan. Well, what does that even mean? Often it means running out to the local occu…
By registered users: 8
Annette James
Different Branches of Paganism
The Contemporary Pagan Movement is hard to pin down by design. Paganism is a very big (and often literal) tent and those inside form and un-form groups freely. The Pagan belief in the supremacy of nature is general enough that it leaves room for specific …
By registered users: 509