Astrology Report: Uranus & Pluto Rx + New Moon in Virgo

Ethereal Fai
Core Spirit member since Oct 29, 2023
7m read
·Sep 12, 2024

Uranus Retrograde: A Wake-Up Call

On the 1st of September 2024, Uranus the planet of unexpected changes and surprises, disruptions, originality and revelations etc., went retrograde in the sign of Taurus. When a planet goes retrograde, it gives the illusion of moving backwards, but it allows us to review, reassess and restructure the themes of the house and sign the planet is in during that period. Uranus will be retrograde in Taurus till the 30th of January, 2025. The sign of Taurus represents sensuality, grounding, stability, wealth, luxury, security, the voice etc., and the planet of Venus is its ruler.

Uranus went retrograde in Taurus at 27°. According to astrologer Nadiya Shah, it made a trine to Pluto in Capricorn. Trines are positive aspects that bring luck, harmony, and fortune and will support Pluto in empowering us in different aspects of our lives.

Nadiya Shah encourages us to look back over our lives from a higher perspective, identify disempowering moments and give ourselves power. She emphasised the need to reawaken the warrior within.

What would this mean?
Example: You have Pluto transiting your third house and Uranus transiting your seventh house.

Third house = mind, communication, siblings, short travel, neighbours.

Pluto is the planet of death, rebirth, transformation, sexuality, and intensity.

Seventh house = relationships, business partners, marriage, contracts etc.

A trine occurs when planets are in the same element and 120° apart. As trines are harmonious, we can imagine the fusion of the characteristics of the planets Uranus and Pluto in a way that benefits us. Assuming Pluto is transiting your third house, one can imagine a wonderful shocking opportunity to travel appears to you seemingly out of nowhere, or you experience a sudden change in how you communicate; exerting boundaries with ease and much quicker than before. Another way could be, that you surprise others with how you showcase the strength that was once hidden within and were scared to reveal. This could lead to a revelation that disrupts your current relationships if we consider Uranus to be in your house of partnerships and relationships. This sudden warrior you’ve harboured within begins to make themselves known, positively influencing the way you communicate and approach the relationships you have, therefore repelling those who aren’t for you and pulling those who are to you even quicker.

I assume it will be vice versa for the planet Uranus as well. For instance, the planet Pluto could influence you in terms of personal power, causing a change in power dynamics within your relationships and business partnerships. It may reveal something hidden that feels it’s time to come to light, such as a person’s feelings or a surprise contract that has your name on it. It could also lead to the revelation of hidden enemies, that may have been right under your nose but didn’t expose themselves until there was a power shift. (Whew)

So just imagine both planets helping each other out with their characteristics positively influencing the houses Capricorn and Taurus are in. Don’t forget to also think about how the energies from these transits could influence the houses that Pluto and Uranus originally reside in your birth chart.

Pluto Goes Into Capricorn

On the 1st of September till November 19th 2024, Pluto will be retrograde in Capricorn at 29°. 29° is the final degree, signifying endings and culminations. It indicates a soul graduation, the end of karmic soul lessons in that particular area of our life and the final chapter of what one has experienced with Pluto in Capricorn. According to astrologer Betsy Gutting, you may even receive a karmic reward for all the hard work you’ve put into a particular area of your life and all the hardships endured.

Betsy also says Pluto in Capricorn tends to bring us to our knees, in some form, possibly a betrayal, being abandoned or shamed by those closest to us. We may have to set boundaries and some people might push against those boundaries which may result in cut ties. However, it’s worth it as it shows who is for you and who isn’t; anyone who gets upset at your boundaries is upset because they can no longer benefit from you. That’s a great sign!

So what can you expect with Pluto retrograde in the sign of Capricorn?

Firstly Capricorn represents structures in our life (of power, family, business), power struggles, authority, governmental bodies, rules, obligation, boundaries, karma, toxic dynamics, profession, reputation, ambition etc. With the planet Pluto causing us to review, reassess and restructure themes of the house Capricorn resides, what will come to light will be our karma, past karmic soul contracts causing you to complete them once and for all, possible death to old power structures, governmental bodies or regimes, rebirth (phoenix rising) in terms of leadership; power in individuals that felt they had none; better governmental bodies or leaders, transformation, passion and intensity. I already feel the intensity of this shift, and it’s only been a few days. What I feel is the past bubbling up once and for all, and if you find you’re in the same boat, think of it as a final checkpoint. Are you going to dwell on those memories and remain a victim or are you going to release them once and for all and focus on the wisdom gained and how you conquered those situations successfully? It’s a choice.

This transit will enable us to see how willing we are to take a risk to follow our soul’s purpose by drowning out the noise of conformity and the status quo. It will also cause us to take a vow of self-respect and decide to rule over ourselves, no longer giving our power away to different dynamics.

With Pluto in Capricorn for the next 11 weeks, expect to be tested to see if you can stand on the lessons you learned when it was in Capricorn from 2008 to 2023. Can you be in your power now and challenge authority? Can you stand strong on your boundaries and uphold your new standards? If pressurised will you give in to your old ways, or stand on your new ways of dealing with things? Will you integrate and apply what you’ve learned all the years Pluto was in Capricorn? Are you ready to receive a karmic reward after the cycle such as a new gift or level-up? Say goodbye to an era of powerlessness, as you come to terms with the fact that you’ve reached your limits for tolerating nonsense, injustice and control; as you realise the importance of enforcing boundaries, fighting back and taking back your power. It’s time for your liberation, freedom and full embodiment of the power you’ve always had. Maybe you were once afraid of it, but now you will have no choice but to use it. Practice wielding it, commanding it and utilising it in situations that try to force you to give your power away. You’ve got this.

Fun Facts
Did you know that this is the last time Pluto will be in Capricorn for the next 248 years? That’s an extremely long time.
Pluto will be in Aquarius for the next 20 years. That sounds fun, doesn’t it? Yes it does, it means the house Aquarius is in your chart is going to go through some intense transformations. I hope you’re ready.

New Moon in Virgo

Right after the Uranus and Pluto transit was a New Moon in Virgo that occurred on September 2nd at 11°. New moons represent new beginnings, new cycles, new chapters etc. They are good moments to plant seeds that you may see germinate in the future.

According to the Perry Rose Academy:

The 11° represents interruptions, divorce, flying, airports, helping others, friends, networks, organizations etc.

Whereas the sign Virgo represents organisation, planning, details, criticism, meticulousness, service etc.

Where do you have Virgo in your chart?

What I see happening with this transit in terms of immediate effects is the sudden need to organise things around you. On the day of the New Moon, I had the sudden urge to clean and organise things in my space; I didn’t know about the New Moon until much later. You may also find yourself being more meticulous, detail-oriented and disciplined concerning tasks and everyday activities. Then you may feel an increased need to criticise yourself and others, so be careful of that and release your inner critic.

Let’s look at a few examples:

If you have Virgo in your 11th house, you may find yourself beginning new friendships or exploring new social groups that adhere to your values, interests or hobbies. You may suddenly receive the extra motivation and drive to achieve your wishes or to plant seeds of what you want to harvest in future. It will all naturally come together with ease, but you will feel the newness the New Moon brings.

If you have Virgo in your sixth house, you may be starting a new job or changing your work habits in a way that is extra disciplined and meticulous. You may find new ventures to offer your services to or tasks that increase your sense of usefulness. You may finally get a new pet or begin the fitness regime you’ve been putting off. Either way, there will be a need to start something new or approach old things in a new way.

Hope this report resonates.

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