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A spiritual Synthesis

Dec 23, 2020
Darren Peters
Core Spirit member since Dec 8, 2020
Reading time 2 min.

This Is not a common spiritual concept in mainstream circles. In the past It was only the initiates of the higher mystery schools that learnt this profound truth.

But today, as we pass the great alignment and Saturn and Jupiter conjunction of December 21, 2020 my spiritual guides intuitively inform me that it’s time to write this short article.

As a spiritual empath and sensitive, for me the process of grounding celestial and higher frequency energy through the process of precipitation is becoming 2nd Nature.

However It wasn’t always so. I also notice on days of great energy shifts and alignments, the tiredness is overwhelming for me as the subtle energy bodies are processing an array of energies, and grounding them into the diamond light matrix and crystal grid of the Earth collective field of light.

A part of being 5th dimensionals is understanding that as an individual And entity-you are just but a cog in a very large set of mechanical wheels/cogs of light. Each cog needing the other to form the functionality of the whole.

The process of spiritual synthesis is when the higher celestial forces precipitate and descend Into the cogs of the light workers of earth. The light workers ground and process this higher ascended light forces into the collective consciousness of humanity.

This process in time will be better understood by more spiritual empaths who act as antennas and receivers of the higher frequency light.

Spirit Vision

Golden cogs appear the same but different sizes and spiralling totally I’m sync. (Cogs are the light forces of the divine)

These cogs hover over a small green field with tiny flowers and bushes (unascended Earth)

The end of each of the cogs start to light up and glow lights brighter and brighter with a fluorescent glow

They now lower into the field of earth and fuse or synthesise together

Final scene-the Earth flowers trees and trees have grown in vibrancy size colour and beauty

Thus representing the needs of the terrestrial forces combining with the celestial energies of light creates a spiritual synthesis of oneness.

(This becomes the new ascended Earth)

Darren Peters

Spiritual healer/coach/therapist

Darren Peters
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