5 tips to kick-starting your fitness journey

5 tips to kick-starting your fitness journey

Getting started is sometimes the hardest thing to do. In this blog, we go into simple at-home tips to kickstart your fitness journey in order to lose those extra pounds.

Mary Berry knows her stuff!

Tip 1: Stretch it out!

We often underestimate the importance of a good stretch. Stretching is a great warm up but it’s also important day-to-day. Stretch in the morning before jumping out of bed to get your blood flowing. In fact, even if your first week is only daily stretching, morning and night, it’s a start! 🙌

Father dancing with his baby daughter, did you see that squat move? 👌

Tip 2: Just dance!

What better way to get your blood pumping than dancing. Moving your body to your favourite upbeat song not only gets you exercising different parts of your body, but it’s also great to keep you in a good mood.

Tip 3: Try exercising while watching tv

We know Tv is a popular past time but that doesn’t mean you need to stay stationary. Cans, kids toys, and water bottles make excellent weights! Try doing some reps in the ad breaks, or even during the show.

Need extra guidance on getting your fitness started? Download our Fitness Hacks for Beginners Guide, for that extra advantage on reaching your goals.

Tip 4: Squats while you wait

Find moments at home when you’re waiting to squeeze in some squats. How about whilst you’re waiting for the shower to warm up, or the kettle to boil. Squat more than once while you check in on how the roast is doing in the oven. if you’re good at multitasking!

It sounds odd, but it all adds up, your body sees it as more blood pumping, more muscles working, more oxygen to your lungs and your body will count it as a building block to making you stronger. Squats and other alternative exercises are perfect to do at home!

Not everyone has a pooch to keep them company!

Tip 5: Walk it out!

Set small goals, even if you start with 1km and build up to 5kms, just walk! As long as it’s more than you usually do, it will help and you can add on to it as you feel stronger to do more. Need walking motivation? Make it a family time, grab your kids, or take your dog for a walk. Listen to your favourite playlist or podcast to keep your stride strong. 🏃

Keep your goals in mind

We all have to start somewhere, and though these seem like baby steps, they will advance the moment you feel your stride is stronger. Don’t focus on how small the steps are, keep in mind the end goal as you push through the little changes! The results shall come, the moment you align to change! If not you, who? If not now, when?

Certain exercises will bring you better results, this all depends on certain aspects like your power/endurance score. You can find this out with an at-home genetic test for fitness. Reach your weight loss goals today with Body Fit.

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