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5 ways to replace Botox at home

Jan 21, 2021
Demi Powell
Core Spirit member since Sep 4, 2019
Reading time 3 min.

It’s common knowledge that most of the media we consume is airbrushed, edited and just simply fake. So why is botox becoming more and more popular? Rather than correct our expectations of how real people look (and by the way… they’re gorgeous!) we’ve actually become more devoted to seeking an unattainable perfection.

Remember when botox used to be something we speculated about when discussing celebrities or the rich and famous? These days, botox has become as casual as going to the dentist! It’s about time someone shared some effective and safe botox alternatives!

What is Botox?

What is typically referred to as “botox” is in reality a short form for botulinum toxin, which is a substance used in this widespread cosmetic procedure. Extremely diluted doses of botulinum toxin are mixed with sodium chloride and injected into the desired areas of the patient. Typically used to stop our natural ageing process, botox will keep muscles away from getting signals from nerve cells, thus paralysing the muscles.

If this doesn’t make you afraid of botox, perhaps this will…

Botulinum toxin is one of the most deadly, poisonous substances known on the planet today, however at small doses it can work effectively in merely paralysing our muscles. Doesn’t sound very safe, does it?

Rather than expose yourself to a potentially harmful procedure with numerous side effects, try these all-natural botox alternatives instead!

1. Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs)

Using products with citric acid, glycolic acid, or lactic acid will help get rid of dead skin cells and foster the growth of new, healthy cells. This will keep your skin looking moisturized and young because new cells will build a firm, more resilient layer of skin.

If you use these products regularly, they can also help treat the look of aged, and sun damaged skin. Not to mention, products with alpha hydroxy acids are also much cheaper than going to regular botox treatments!

2. Omnilux Light Therapy

This particular treatment appeared accidentally, but has been proven to rejuvenate your skin and foster natural healing processes. Originally this light therapy was used to activate medication designed to combat skin cancer.

When this treatment was in use for cancer patients, it was found that the skin in close proximity to the cancerous lesion was looking younger and firmer.

Not only is this treatment safer than other pulse light therapies, it keeps working months after the procedure.

3. Coenzyme Q10

This supplement will help combat ageing and skin damage caused by sun exposure. The coenzymes are antioxidants and energy boosters for your skin and they help to replace dead skin cells with new, strong skin cells.

Your body produces CoQ10 on its own in order to help in natural healing processes, so supplementing an additional dose of these coenzymes will only give your body a healing boost.

4. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil can be taken topically or orally and it can help hydrate your skin, which is vital in getting a younger, brighter complexion and avoiding wrinkles. This tasty oil also helps in the rebuilding of damaged connective tissue cells. It is thought that damaged connective tissues is one of the main causes of age lines and wrinkles.

5. Aloe Vera

Organic and pure aloe vera is the most potent hydroxy acid source in nature! Incorporating a natural lotion that contains aloe vera (and no alcohol) will influence the look of your skin a lot.

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