3 Main Advantages of Balneotherapy

Demi Powell
Core Spirit member since Sep 4, 2019
2m read
·Mar 30, 2021

Balneotherapy involves treating health problems by bathing, usually in hot springs and other naturally mineral-rich waters. Long practiced in alternative medicine systems all over the world, balneotherapy is often offered at spa, wellness centers, and hot springs resorts. Some proponents claim that balneotherapy may help with a number of health conditions, including arthritis, respiratory disorders, and high blood pressure.

What Studies Show About the Effect of Balneotherapy on Health Conditions

Balneotherapy is thought to promote healing by increasing circulation, encouraging detox and easing stress. In addition, the minerals found in hot springs (such as sulfur and magnesium) are said to fight off illness by nourishing the organs and stimulating the immune system.

Although few studies have tested these health claims, some research suggests that balneotherapy may help with certain conditions. Here’s a look at several key study findings.


Mineral baths may be somewhat helpful for people with osteoarthritis, according to a 2008 review published in the Journal of Rheumatology. Analyzing seven trials (with a total of 498 patients), investigators found evidence that balneotherapy was more effective than no treatment at all. However, the review’s authors warn that this evidence is weak, due to the poor quality of the trials.

Similarly, a 2003 review from the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews looked at six trials (with a total of 355 participants) and found some evidence that balneotherapy can help treat rheumatoid arthritis. Due to major flaws in the studies, however, the review’s authors caution that this is evidence is inconclusive.


Balneotherapy may help treat fibromyalgia, according to a small study published in Rheumatology International in 2002. For the study, 42 fibromyalgia patients were assigned to either a control group or three weeks of 20-minute bathing sessions (administered once a day, five times a week).

Study results showed that those treated with balneotherapy showed significant improvements in some fibromyalgia symptoms and in depression (a common problem among people with fibromyalgia).

Low Back Pain

In a 2005 study from Research in Complementary and Natural Classical Medicine, scientists found that bathing in sulfurous mineral water may help alleviate low back pain.

Compared to 30 back-pain patients who underwent a tap-water-based hydrotherapy treatment, the 30 patients in the balneotherapy group showed greater improvements in muscle spasms, tenderness, and flexibility.

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