<img height="1" width="1" style="display:none" src="https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=1514203202045471&ev=PageView&noscript=1"/> Microdosing & The Artist’s Way Course | Core Spirit

Microdosing & The Artist’s Way Course

$189 USD
$189 USD

Microdosing and The Artist's Way Course –
Recover Your Creativity and Step into a Juicy Life.
💚 Do you feel stuck in life?
💚 Is your creativity waning?
💚 Are you feeling disconnected from yourself and others?
💚 Are you feeling creatively/spiritually constipated?
💚 Do you want to refresh your creative mind/spirit?
💚 Are you ready to restore your flow state?

Microdosing and The Artists Way Course: In this eight week course, we will create a safe, supportive and sacred container to uplift, inspire and transform you. This course is for all artists, writers, creative types, psychonauts or anyone who feels blocked/stuck/disconnected in life. We will systematically go through the book The Artists Way, week by week and share our findings with each other. There will be other exercises outside of the book too things like, plant medicine meditations, timed writing exercises, guided writing meditations, and plenty of other juicy exercises to support and nurture you.

We will create an empowered community while working through blockages. Doing this work alone is very difficult to stick with it so it's better with a group of people. Although it can be done alone, there is something to be said about having accountability partners. Having a community of people who can lift you up when you don't feel like doing the work, keep you steady and on course can be unimaginably helpful!

The Artist’s Way is a beautiful book written by Julia Cameron that helps unblock your creative side while nurturing and reconnecting your spiritual side.

Microdosing is taking a psychedelic or plant medicine in very small quantities (1/10th -1/20th of the average dose) which is ALMOST subperceptual. Depending on which plant medicine/entheogen is used, it can ease anxiety (especially social anxiety), depression, addiction, mood disorders and migraines. Microdosing with plant medicines/entheogens is a unique way to increasing feelings of well-being by creating more flow states, focus, self-confidence, productivity, creativity and much more.

Microdosing is OPTIONAL. You do not have to microdose to take this course, you will get plenty of juiciness with or without the plant medicines.

This course takes place every Sunday evening 4pm - 6pm PST (7pm - 9:00pm EST) Starting July 11 - August 29, 2021 (8 weeks) and will be Online through zoom

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Vancouver, BC, Canada

I hold space for anyone going through an existential crisis, spiritual awakening or the need to integrate plant medicine work into everyday life.

If you need any advice with regards to integrating Microdosing or any of the work you are doing (pre or post integration), I am here to help. Please feel free to reach out to book a session with me. I look forward to walking this path alongside you.

On Core Spirit since June 2021

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