... flows within the physical body through pathways called chakras, meridians, nadis, and can also be present and pass directly through the organs and tissues of the body. It can also flow around us in our aura. This free and balanced flow of healthy KI is the cause of our well being. It is this energy that stimulates the physical organs and tissues as it flows through them. Ki nourishes the organs and cells of the body to support them in their functions. Reiki is also responsive to thoughts and feelings. Positive thoughts and energy increase our well being and result in a healthy body, mind and spirits.
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About TINA L GINNETTI A gifted healer in the energy medicine arts to include Reiki, Distance Reiki, Relfexology, QiGong. I have been a practitioner since 1997, continuing on this journey with passion and compassion to guide those who reach out to find peace. rejuvenation and self awareness. Established a Wellness Program for county Employees, and sponsored lectures and classes to local hospitals. |
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