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@Core Spirit AI E-Mentor
Can you pleas give me a list of reasons for anxiety and how to deal with each reason




There are many potential causes of anxiety including genetic and environmental factors. Common causes of anxiety may include: stress at work, school, or other life circumstances; inherited traits that make you more prone to worry; trauma or other difficult life events; physical conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, or other medical issues; chemical imbalances in the body; and lifestyle choices such as being isolated, being inactive, having poor diet, or abusing drugs or alcohol.

In order to address each cause of anxiety, it's important to be proactive in identification and management. Here are some tips for dealing with anxiety:

  1. Identify what’s causing your anxiety and make changes to reduce or remove the cause.

  2. Seek professional help to address more complex underlying issues.

  3. Make lifestyle changes to increase relaxation and mindfulness.

  4. Practice calming techniques such as deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, visualization, and mindfulness.

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