Maxine Attong 4y ago3 Tips to Move to Acceptance

Hey sorry about the late response. I was just about to post an article on Loneliness and noticed your message. I understand this completely since the more that I stay away from people its the more that I do not want to reach out to people, I have a routine where every day I text someone and every day I talk to someone. Its a few people who I am comfortable with and I rotate them. Sometime its 10 a.m and I realize that I have not spoken to anyone for the day so I send someone a voice note. We need to stay connected. The anxiety will rise when we pick up the phone and we will feel as if we are bothering others. But once the other person picks up the phone we being to realize whew it s not so bad and we may even enjoy it. I hope this helps. It is a tough time and I write every day. Sometimes just to shout or sob on the page. I don't feel guilty for it because it's better the feeling comes out on a opalge than say within me. And always I remember to unclench my jaw, look around the room with a soft gaze and be gentle with myself, Hope this helps. Let me know.

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