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You Are My Galaxy

Jul 31, 2023
Shuang-Min Chang
Core Spirit member since Jul 17, 2023
Reading time less than 1 minute

I did't know where to find you other than in my heart.

It should be enough but not.

Then, a galaxy came through you or with you.

A galaxy filled with billions of billions of stars and yet, was so empty, empty and empty.

Each star was a pure feeling, beaming through the empty space.

There were billions of billions of feelings happening all at the same time without cause but just.

Then, I didn't know what I felt about you anymore since you were part of the billions of billions of stars of billions of billions of feelings.

And there was love.

Then inexplicable love.

I started crying, the sad kind, because I could only find you in my heart.

Was you who made me sad?
Was it love who made me sad?
Was it me who made me sad?
Was I sad?
Were you sad?

The galaxy in my heart.

You are my galaxy.

So few is known and so many yet to discover.

In the known and unknown, do I understand?

Do I know you?

Do I know me?

How many light years are there between knowing and understanding?

How many life time will I need to begin understand?

You are the galaxy in my heart.

You are my galaxy, filled with billions of billions of stars, beaming rays of billions of billions of feelings, just.

I feel them all all at once and I feel none of them; therefore, I am.

They said the poems written by Tagore were not love poem but his documentation of communing with god(s).

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