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Your Health and Astrology

Apr 19, 2024

Did you catch the recent eclipse?

Perhaps like me, it slipped under your radar until you started hearing whispers about its significance.

After delving deeper into Astrologer Judith Hill’s ‘Eclipses and You,’ I was struck by the profound impact these celestial events can have on our lives.

The eclipse on April 8th, cloaked in the fiery energy of Aries, heralded dynamic events unfolding across the globe. From conflicts in the Middle East ( Israel , Iran War) to groundbreaking discoveries ( Discovery of the Milky Way’s biggest Stellar black hole ) in astrophysics, the influence of this eclipse has been undeniable.

This revelation prompted me to reconsider the role of astrology in our lives beyond the usual zodiac forecasts. It's not just about star signs and compatibility; it's about understanding how cosmic forces shape our existence.

That's where my expertise in Medical Astrology comes in. Through personalized readings, I decode the celestial influences affecting your physical well-being.
Gain insights into your health status, identify potential challenges stemming from your environment, and uncover strategies to restore balance to your life.

A Medical Astrology reading isn't just about diagnosing ailments; it's about empowering you to take control of your health journey. Armed with knowledge about your unique astrological profile, you'll discover tailored health regimens to optimize your well-being.

Don't miss this opportunity to unlock the mysteries of your health with the wisdom of the stars.

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Medical Astrology
Dr June Williams DmedTh
May 6, 2024, 10:00
Unlock the Mysteries of Your Health with Medical Astrology

Receive personalized mental, emotional and physical health recommendations tailored to your astrological profile, including lifestyle adjustments, dietary changes, and wellness practices.


Develop a roadmap for long-term health and well-being based on your astrological chart, helping you create sustainable habits and routines for optimal health.

Target audience

All who are interested in taking a proactive approach to their health and wellbeing.
Who want to know more about their physical selves.


Insight into Your Physical Health: Understand your body's strengths and weaknesses based on astrological indicators, allowing you to make informed decisions about your well-being.
**Environmental Awareness: **Gain awareness of how planetary alignments may influence your health based on your environment, helping you mitigate potential health risks.
Holistic Perspective: View your health through a holistic lens that considers both physical and cosmic factors, leading to a more comprehensive understanding of your well-being.
Early Detection: Identify potential health challenges or imbalances before they manifest physically, empowering you to take proactive measures to maintain your health.
Emotional and Mental Health Insights: Explore the connection between your emotional and mental state and its impact on your physical health, fostering greater self-awareness and balance.
Long-term Health Planning: Develop a roadmap for long-term health and well-being based on your astrological chart, helping you create sustainable habits and routines for optimal health.
Enhanced Self-Understanding: Deepen your self-awareness and self-understanding by uncovering the cosmic influences shaping your health and vitality.


Once initial session is booked , a quick consultation to obtain date of birth, time of birth and place of birth. Then a full 45min consultation is then booked for the Medical Astrology reading.

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Clinical Hypnosis (Hypnotherapy)
Dr June Williams DmedTh
May 6, 2024, 10:00
Light Body - Total Weight Loss Program


During the initial consultation for the Light Body program, we'll delve into a holistic approach aimed at helping you achieve weight loss without resorting to traditional diets. We'll explore how this program can support your weight loss journey emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and physically, emphasizing a more profound understanding of your body and its needs. Through this comprehensive approach, you can attain lasting, sustainable results while nurturing your overall well-being and personal growth

Target audience

All adults looking to lose weight and adopt a holistic outlook


Insight into your weight issue
Emotionally stable
Mentally Able


Initial consultation to discuss a tailored weight loss program

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By registered users: 92
Dr June Williams DmedTh
May 6, 2024, 10:00
Become a Faradarmani Practitioner


An overview of becoming a Faradarmani practitioner which uses the network of awareness and consciousness encompassing the universe, this is a  mystical outlook found by Dr. Mohammad Ali Taheri
It is based on connection with the intelligence which governs the universe. Explore universal intelligence in both theory and in practice to transform & enhance every day life for yourself and your clients.
The practical aspects of mysticism taught leads to an entire pathway of  exploration & transformation of the individual enhancing their daily life.

Target audience

The training relates to all human beings; regardless of race, nationality, religion & personal beliefs, anyone can conceive and accept its theories and benefit from its practical aspects.


Insight into working with Consciousness and Healing.


Comprehensive details regarding the online class and certification procedure will be provided, encompassing a duration of 6-8 weeks with one 1.5-hour class per week.

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By registered users: 40