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"Unexplained feeling of energy – part 1"

Feb 24, 2023
Core Spirit member since Feb 24, 2023
Reading time 2 min.

At the age of ten or eleven whilst playing in the long grass on a bank side on a very hot day by myself, I was pretending to be an Indian with straw tied around my waist. My friend had not arrived, but the powers of fate had. I found myself standing in a particular spot when I felt the most beautiful and exhilarating feeling, I’d never experienced before. There seemed to be a certain unexplained energy radiating from within a circle of this ground.
It seemed to consume my whole body and being, when I now look back to that particular time. I stayed there for a number of seconds and more. At that age, it was impossible to describe as I still can clearly remember that time and day. That feeling though stayed with me throughout that day, and my friend never turned up. I found out later in life, there was a far bigger meaning as to why I was meant to be on my own.
At that time, I could not say anything about this event to my mother, and definitely not to my father. The next day though on my own, I went back to the same exact spot, to see if this strange but beautiful feeling was still there. This same energy, as I call it now, was clearly there. After a few seconds of standing in the same position, I received this beautiful experience again, but the sudden realisation hit me. This was a very strange feeling that did not seem right, and fear made me run away. I never spoke to anyone about this incident for many years.

At the age of 14 years this supernatural feeling returned, embracing my whole body and mind. I had no fear and began to sort of understand why I was previously afraid. For then, in this whirl of almost magnetic energy I was receiving, I was given a powerful love of art.
In the following days, at school, I was always eager to sit by a window that overlooked the school playing fields. Why? Because I had now a psychic gift that enabled me to have an insight into the future. I could hear by telepathy, that hydrogen would be the fuel of the future. I saw empty fields without cattle or sheep, as a newly grown food would replace eating meat and other by-products of animals. In these fields I could see many unusual boxes made from some special material that allowed bright light to grow thousands of plants that would be a new resource of food.
Through the following months, only when I was able to sit by this particular window,
I saw the sea being harvested with factories of a strange type below the sea. The list was long. At the same age of 14years, my mother was given a prophecy for me from a very old lady with psychic gifts. Throughout my later years all came true. My gift for art had more than
a special meaning that I will tell in my story, as my psychic gift would explode further in later life.

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