Top 5 Tips To Improve Your Discus Throw

Lana Olley
Core Spirit member since Jan 25, 2021
3m read
·Jan 29, 2021

The shot is harder on your body than the discus, but it is easier to learn for one obvious reason… the implement sits on top of you vs away from you.

So how do we routinely get throwers to jump up 25-30 feet in the discus; especially from the previous season?

Here’s how….

the 5 TIPS To Increase Your Throw in the Discus ….

Tip #1: Simplification.

Once throwers and coaches start to look at the throw correctly, its become much easier to teach.

This is why I said some things are simply incorrect, and if you’re coaching from the wrong perspective, its gonna result in leaving results on the table.

Ok I’m cheating, cuz I gave you that the other day, but focus on pillar 1; not on all the mistakes that are created by a bad pillar 1.

So when I say simplify….. Fix your focus.

Tip #2: Stay center and upright in Pillar 1 is the key to simplification

The discus is more complicated than the shot due to the implements proximity to the body and in the Throwing Chain Reaction™ system, Pillar 1 is the key….

It’s so overlooked; especially in the discus!

The Key to pillar 1 is to stay upright and Center during the wind.

… this helps set Separation and the Sprint leg axis.

In the discus, there are 2 kinds of separation: Shoulder Hip and Arm Shoulder…

Tip #3 Master separation mechanics first.

Separation must be set up correctly to initiate the proper Throwing Chain Reaction™ of each throw or drill…. This is the Key to Pillar 1 and the TCR™ system.

… and it is also what makes the discus a more difficult throw.

In the discus throw, there’s more to sequence because of the 2-part separation.

So, while the spin shot put and Discus have the same core 6 Pillars in the TCR™, each pillar is a bit different in the discus due to position of the implement and size of the ring and that is why throwers that spin in the shot put, often get rhythm conflicts with the Discus or vice versa.

Understanding the separation mechanics is a big part of the Throwing Chain Reaction™ system and it is a very technical aspect of throwing….

…but once you begin to understand it, it becomes simpler to coach, and that 20-30ft increase becomes a tangible reality….and it can happen fast! .… We do it every year.

Tip #4: Avoid False detachment.

I see a ton of children set up what I have named “Bogus Separation”.

What’s more, much the same as term infers, they look “isolated”’ yet they are not, and a ton of hurlers with frail center don’t bend effectively… .

… . furthermore, I see this ignored ALL THE TIME.

This returns to tip 1 and 2… ..

On the off chance that they don’t set up column 1 right, the remainder of the toss is going down quick, and the sole spotlight on column one is detachment and the run hub.

Bogus detachment ordinarily is setting up just arm/shoulder and not hip/shoulder and that is going to brings about way less force…

… and that implies more limited tosses and a loooong time preparing without improving.

Tip # 5: Set the Feedback component.

At the outset, you need to figure out how to detect what a superior toss feels like…

… This is the thing that I allude to in the TCR™ as the criticism component.

The plate is more rhythmical.

It’s more loose and long.

Its quick from the feet to the hips and you drag the chest area latently until you get to Pillar 6… .. the Delivery.

On the off chance that you, or your hurlers are not in the correct general positions, they can’t feel the correct things that permit them to improve rapidly. = “Input MECHANISM”

This is the thing that isolates the tip top from the normal.

Fundamentally, the “common” hurler is just somebody who feels this and does this simpler, in any case it’s gotta be instructed and that is going to be the case more often than not.

Like I composed a day or two ago, the well-known adage “in the event that it feels wrong its right” That truly is horse crap!

On the off chance that it feels bad, it’s bad.

On the off chance that it feels strange/extraordinary, yet smoother, You’re on the correct way.

Be understanding and figure out how this functions.

It’s the way to improving quick.

I support everybody that doesn’t comprehend the TCR™ to look at us.

On the off chance that you need to see 25-30 foot hops in the plate for yourself, or your hurlers, the study of the TCR is demonstrated. We do it quite a long time after year and you can as well.

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