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The year ahead – 2022 horoscope predictions from Susan Miller

Dec 3, 2021
Core Spirit Press Releases
Core Spirit member since May 20, 2021
Reading time 3 min.

Overall, 2022 is going to be a very happy year. It is very different from 2021 and 2020. However, be careful in January when Venus is retrograde. Don’t do Botox or fillers, don’t cut your hair, or go from blond to brunet.

For anything, the first part of the year is better – February, March, April, May, June, July, and August are great months.

Jupiter will be in Pisces from December 29th of this year until May 10th of 2022. It will help Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio, and the Earth signs – Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn. Then Jupiter will go in Aries and help Aries, Leo, Sagittarius and Gemini, Libra, Aquarius. Everyone gets something from the Universe!

Aries: You are going into the best time of your life from May 2022 until the end of October. But then, when Jupiter goes into Aries again in December 2022, you will have glorious outlook all the way until May 2023.

Taurus: It’s all about expanding your friendships, meeting people of different walks of life, gaining more followers on social media. Joining a professional or a social club may be a very good idea. It’s a very happy, more social year for Taurus.

Gemini: You win the jackpot. This will be biggest career year of the decade for you. Concentrate on your career. April and October are typically not the best months for Gemini but not in 2022 as they will be spectacular!

Cancer: Cancer had a very hard horoscope for a few previous years. But this year everything changes. In 2022 you will get help from foreign people, foreign markets. You are also going to have luck with publishing and broadcasting industries as well as higher education.

Leo: You will finally make money on your investments, or your business will bring profit. 2022 is a very good year for Leo. You will also get to travel somewhere nice.

Virgo: You have a sensational outlook on your career. The second part of 2022 is spectacular. You also have the best marriage aspect. If you are already married, your husband or wife is going to do really well. You may be able to buy a house or think of having a baby or open a business together with your partner because more money is going to come.

Libra: A lot of work projects are coming in. The money will keep pouring in! It’s a busy year, so you may have to hire someone to help. It can be a nanny, an assistant, an accountant, or any other person to help you. You will find a perfect person to hire.

Scorpio: Here we have the best love aspects in 2022. This is the year to fall in love and focus on personal life. March 5th brings the luckiest day of the year. You could find the one that’s right for you.

Sagittarius: You have luck with real estate. If you want to move, you should do it in the first four months of 2022 or in November-December. Early March is going to be the pinnacle of luck. You also have a very nice private life enrichment in 2022.

Capricorn: The best time for Capricorn is from the end of December of 2021 and all the way until May 10th, 2022. There are great romantic perspectives in February. There will also be some nice professional opportunities promising great benefits. The best dates are February 4th and September 25th.

Aquarius: You are going to make the money that you worked so hard for in 2021. You probably haven’t seen results of that hard work yet, but they are coming in February or March 2022. The rest of the year is good for communication. You might write a screenplay or a novel, get an idea for an app or something else and make a fortune.

Pisces: You get such a reward in January, February, March and in the first part of May and then again in November and December. It just rains buckets full of money for you. This will be one of the best years of your life so get ready for it!

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