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The Seven Stages of the Soul

Jan 26, 2023
Bantu Chk
Core Spirit member since Aug 12, 2021
Reading time 2 min.
  1. New Born Soul

The first of the seven ages of the soul, is the one that has just left the Original Source, shows lack of experience and struggles to survive. It's primitive, rude, simple, innocent, childish, mystical. Their learning is through suffering.

  1. Child Soul

It works like clockwork. You need routine to feel comfortable, meaning work with a schedule. Likes rules and kills for standing up for his beliefs. Their learning is through pain.

  1. Young Soul

He seeks to be a publicly known person, is afraid of aging and death. She's ready to be independent, she fights for her positions and she's shallow. He likes power, fame and money. Their learning is through loss.
They could be located in politicians, artists, religious leaders.

  1. Mature Soul

He has achieved survival, recognition and prestige, but the person feels empty. In this stage you seek peace, spirituality and being well with yourself. Her artistic ability is developed to the max. His learning is through anguish.
I would be present at the people who defend human rights, animal rights, care for nature and the environment.

  1. Old Soul

This is the fifth of the seven ages of the soul, its goal is to achieve satisfaction without creating more karma. He is very spiritual and strives with love in everything he sets out to. She likes to paint, teach, write and appreciate the beauty around them. Believe in living and letting live and treat others as you would like to be treated.
Makes more developed sense to know what's true. Their mantra is to win for their own good and everyone else's.

6 / 7. Luminous Souls

These souls are on a higher plane. They are the result of experience of the previous five ages. They are self-aware, have superhuman powers, spiritual abilities, and maximum connection to the Original Source. They're already on their way home.

Embrace your soul. Celebrate your path, whoever you find yourself today. Be the best of yourself, don't hurt others and love yourself above all things.

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