The Bigger Picture

The Bigger Picture

There is a reason why when someone takes a scenic photo, sends it to you and says, "The picture doesn't do it any justice! You have to be here to see it!"

Look at the bigger picture.

I'll say it again...


Don't allow yourself to get caught up in what's going on now. You know, the bump that you're having trouble getting over...

The end result will be so worth it if you don't allow something to stop you.

Broaden your horizons. Expand beyond what is in front of you. Imagine the greater things to come once you are over this hurdle.

Someday you'll look back and not even believe what you had to go through to get where you are but you will be so proud of yourself for making it as far as you have.

Time doesn't stop. It keeps ticking. The days keep passing by. No need to stop yourself. No need to live with regrets. Leap forward and take a chance on something or someone or whatever may be weighing heavily on your mind.

The worst that could happen? You fail... You get turned down.

But you keep going. Just like time. Keep going.

That bigger picture may be so beautiful. If only you took a chance and did not remain glued where you are.

You are stronger than you give yourself credit for. Don't be scared.

Opportunities are presented to you for a reason.

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