Start Over -Again

Start Over -Again

**Even if you failed a 1000 times, Even if you lost everything

Failing is part of Life

It happens that we put a lot of effort into something and our efforts are wasted because of many reasons so we try really hard to make a relationship work. But if they end up in a divorce or if you are following any girl or boy, you may not be able to marry. There are many reasons to start a business. You may fail in the business and be broke again due to unforeseen circumstances. What if one of these scenarios occurred to you and everyone else had a similar experience?
What if we suffer such setbacks? What should our reaction be in our lives? Should we give you anything? Should we live? And, for those who believe that this world is no longer good enough, what is a stolution? JUst 'Start-over'


Start over

You may say, "I have to do it all over again." It takes a lot of time, but time itself is an illusion. What do you mean by "like time"? You have a limited time on this planet; you have a lifespan. you will die at the end of your life, failure and success are both equal after your death. It makes no difference whether people praise or criticize you; all you need to do is start over. Start over if you've been rejected hundreds of times; start over if you've failed in a dozen relationships. Even if you are afraid and doubtful, start over; even if you believe it will be difficult to regain all that you have lost, start over because there is hope in starting over.

There is hope,as long as you breathe

There is hope; our lives are not a caravan of despair, but of that hope, that lamp that never justifies the wind blowing. Light is required to illuminate the darkness and begin again at whatever stage of life you are in. You are, whether you are old or have been diagnosed with terminal cancer; start over and don't be afraid. As long as you can breathe, you can start over.
Even if you achieve nothing ,your story should echo in eternity and inspire every soul that is in despair
So Start over again.There is joy in it

[hope is there as long as you breathe]


Some Inspiration for you

"Every morning we wake up, it's an opportunity to start over." - unknown

"Starting over is a chance to rebuild what was lost, and make it better this time." - unknown

"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts." - Winston Churchill

According to a survey by CareerBuilder, 74% of workers are open to changing jobs in 2022.

A study by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics found that the average American will change jobs 12 times during their career.

A survey by Monster found that 56% of employees say they would consider leaving their current job for a better work-life balance.

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