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Show Yourself Some LšŸ’VE...

Feb 14, 2024
Dr June Williams DmedTh
Core Spirit member since Apr 5, 2022
Reading time 2 min.

**What is Love?

With Valentine's Day right around the corner, I'm jumping on the bandwagon and theming today's content around LOVE. **

What is love? It's a question that has inspired countless discussions, poems, songs, and philosophies throughout history. While there may be many interpretations, I'd like to share my perspective on this intricate emotion.

In my journey, I've come to understand love as a multi-faceted experience, evolving through three distinct stages.

The first stage emerges naturally with our existence. Simply by being alive, we express love through nurturing our bodies, clothing ourselves, and breathingā€”the basic acts of self-care that signify our appreciation for life itself.

Moving into the second stage, we seek to extend this love beyond ourselves. Whether it's towards a significant other, friends, or family, we yearn to share our affection with others, forming connections and bonds that enrich our lives.

Yet, there exists a third stageā€”a realm of love so profound that it transcends individual existence. Where the act of loving becomes its own reward. You Love because You Can. Some may call it selfless love, where the distinction between self and other blurs...

As I reflect on these stages, I'm humbled by the depth of human emotion and connection. Have I personally experienced this third stage? Perhaps not fully, but I continue to explore its possibilities with an open heart.

In the spirit of love, I invite you to share your experiences and thoughts. Your insights are invaluable as we navigate the intricacies of this universal emotion.

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