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Self Sabotage

Nov 3, 2023
Core Spirit member since Oct 29, 2023
Reading time less than 1 minute


Something that many of us are guilty of. A form of psyching ourselves out -- Believing that we are incapable of doing certain things and or making specific changes in our lives.

In other words...


A word that always comes into play.

It teases us.
It taunts us.

It will even control us, if we let it. Leading to self sabotage.

We, as human beings, can have this habit of dismissing our abilities. Dismissing our intelligence. Dismissing our talents -- while others praise us.

You would think, that with receiving compliments in our abilities (in one way or another) that we would learn to accept that we are worthy and capable of accomplishing so much and making the best decisions to better our lives.

But instead, in that tiny corner where darkness lurks, that ONE voice will make us think we are worthless.

You are NOT.
You are AMAZING.

Stop believing things that don't exist. AKA, "making up scenarios that haven't even happened" therefore sabotaging something that could've been an awesome experience.

Whether it's in your job, love life, etc... Stop over thinking about the situation and just embrace the moment. Take chances.

Life is precious. Live it.

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