Scientific analysis of Shiva Lingam

Rudolph Mason
Core Spirit member since Dec 24, 2020
5m read
·Mar 29, 2018

Lord Shiva is known as Mahadev due to the instinct characteristics which he represents. The form in which Lord shiva is represented is called a Ling. Infact, Lord Shiva is the fundamental god. He is known as prajapati Shiva. There is no origin or form which can be associated with Shiva. Man needs a symbol to worship so the ling was created “Ling means symbol”. For example Vishnu’s Ling is a chakra or if someone was wearing a stethoscope you would say he was a doctor. A ling is only a symbol to identify something. This symbol that we call a Shivling has behind it a scientific explanation.

The beginning of life is called Hiranyagarbha. This is the thread or formula of life which is complete in itself and reproduces itself without any organ. It multiplies itself from 1 to 2, then from 2 to 4 and so on. It is the basic culture of any form of life. It can be compared to DNA which contains the genetic code. It is indestructible, reproduces itself and contains the specifications of any generation. So, how did our ancestors explain DNA? The structure of DNA as we know was first described by scientists in 1953. Nobody had imagined this type of structure. It is also difficult to explain the structure of DNA to a common man. Now we can see the 3D structures with movements on TV. Before that, it was imagined as a et of two spiral interwined staircases. Our rishis saw this structure through their meditation and explained it the same way modern science explains DNA. They concluded that it was helical, produced itself, and according to our scriptures, it first originated from Lord Shiva.

The rishis imagined that Prajapati must have created a mound first. You have to make a mound before creating anything, for example, a clay mound for a statue and a store mound for a sculpture. Our rishis had imagined this round mound, the Shivling, was wrapped with a snake, which might model DNA. To describe more complex DNA, a pair of snakes wrapped around each other can be visualized to represent a double helix, as rishis explained. The rishis also said that it was the base structure and entire nature began with it. This was determined by our rishis to be the fundamental and elemental point with which any life form could being.

Modern science corroborates the findings of our scriptures that DNA is like a thread and is so small that it can not be seen with naked eyes it reproduces itself by multiplying itself and cannot be destroyed. An object can be destroyed, but its DNA will exist in one form or another. The properties suggested for DNA by modern science had also been suggested in our scripture. So the Shivling is not just a mere symbol. Our rishis wanted to give a message to the masses that you can see the smallest form of nature in the form of the Shivling. The Shivling represents the atomic structure. When they created the Shivling it was imagined that there was one Hari and one Har in the ling. Har is shiva, and Hari is Vishnu. shiva and Vishnu are present in this Ling. Jalhari has three lines because three signifies “multiple” in Sanskrit. In our atomic structure, there are protons and neutrons which are surrounded by fast spinning electrons.

Our rishis imagined that this ling has Har (neutron) and Hari (proton) inside, and Brahma (electron) spins around them in the form of Jalhari. Brahma is tied with Haari by a thread through his navel and cannot go too far. He is attached with Hari after creating nature and looks after nature. Har (Shiva) is unattached and in meditation in the Himalayas. He becomes destroyer when necessary. Everything is created by protons and electrons and electrons play the major role. A change in the number of electrons changes the dimensions and properties. Brahma is similar in nature. Har is neutral and is sitting in the nucleus with all the energy. Energy is released by breaking the nucleus also known by our modern science as atomic fission. According to our rishis, Shiva has the energy within as long as Shiva is in meditation.

Once we make Shiva angry which can be compared to breaking the nucleus, the energy is released in the form of Durga. This energy is indeed the atomic energy as explained by the modern science. The force of Shiva , which we call Rudrani, is always with him. It is described in the Mahabarat by Maharishi Vashishtha that he saw this Rudrani . He saw a huge black shadow dancing in the sky around Lord Shiva, who blinded his eyes. It was so powerful and huge that he could not see the beginning or end and even after running with his mind till the end of time. There is a colossal energy constantly dancing around Lord Shiva. This dance can be compared with electrons spinning and revolving around the nucleus. If a neutron is separated from its nucleus, a destructive force is released, just like if this surrounding energy is separated from Lord Shiva . If Lord Shiva desires, he can release this energy.

You must have seen that the nuclear reactors resemble a Svivling in the shape like a mound, and all the radioactive particles are constantly kept under water. The hard water and soft water are formed there. This water becomes radioactive. Water is constantly sprinkled on the Shivling to control Shiva’s temper, reflecting a nuclear reactor. In terms of modern science, it is supposed to represent the nuclear reactor. This water from the Shivling is not used as prasad or even as holy water. This could be compared to the water used for cooling the nuclear reactors which is also not used for nay other purposes. This water from Shivling flows freely from the jalhari in a stream from a corner of the Ling. One cannot go around the Shivling as it is beyond a human being to really go around or comprehend this tremendous power. This also shows humans their limitations within which we need to live.

We can see the smallest form of this in a Shivling and also the colossal form in our galaxy. If you look at the pictures of nebulae or galaxies, you will see the mound, which is called the Shivling and the jalahari around it. This is in the reality pictures taken fron space show a clear picture of Shivling as described in our scriptures. shiva is referred to as “bhole” meaning simple and can be pleased by little worship. Once he is happy, he gives boons without thinking of the worshipper’s worthiness. Still one must follow the right path for if you are on a wrong path even by mistake and Shiva is not pleased with you, no one can save you. Shiva is pleased very easily and at the same time, is enormously powerful. One should worship him only after understanding his great power. One who has power can pass it on to others and anyone can receive it. It is critical that you understand the colossal power of Shiva.

by Speaking Tree

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