After my last post on my own holiday survival tips, I came across quite a few other blogs with advice on how to deal with the holidays while on a specific diet and how to deal with stress. Here are a few that I found offered up some really valuable tips.
Love this list of self care, simplifying and organizing your holidays duties.
This really well written piece at Well Fed Homestead is about how to react, what to say and how to handle unacceptable situations:
Many people get heartburn at big meals and Divine Health From the Inside Out offers some adivce on how to prevent it:
Here’s some great advice on the other side for how to serve food to people with dietary restrictions by Real Food Whole Health. Your guests would be so grateful to come to a dinner like this!
Real Food Forager offers up some simple and sound advice on how to reduce stress leading up to and during the holidays:
Here’s one about dealing with post-holiday or winter blues with aromatherapy.
Home Grown and Healthy talks about acknowledging your situation and preparing yourself to be able to deal with it in a positive way:
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