<img height="1" width="1" style="display:none" src="https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=1514203202045471&ev=PageView&noscript=1"/> Right Philosophy Of Life Is Death Penalty To Worries About Death | Core Spirit

Right Philosophy Of Life Is Death Penalty To Worries About Death

Mar 24, 2023
Philip Ebuluofor
Core Spirit member since Jan 31, 2023
Reading time 7 min.

Why do most people worry about death in the manner I have witnessed it since paying attention?

It seems to me that most of us in this planet have not grasped why we are here in the first place. I have sat, not even sat for long to realize that when we come, another ‘when' that’s following must be when we leave.

  When you realize this simple knowledge that doesn't need any teacher to know only advance age, you will stop worrying about death. 

We hear each day that what has beginning must have an end. Do you need any professor to interpret that sentence for you?- of course not. All it requires is for you to be relatively advanced in age to grasp that. No teacher needed either only time.

Death is a journey like the one we are here already worrying about transiting into another phase of journey that we must no matter what transpires. We came, we must leave and create space like those before us did for us.

The thing is that when young, we don't always pay attention to this factual truth even as early adults in our ‘20s, we don’t too and that must have been reason we worry about this phenomenon unnecessarily. The earlier we start inculcating this fact into our psych and that of our offspring, the better for all. Even religious groups seems to be running away from this fact too claiming mundial reasons.

If we know that once we appear here, once too, we must disappear one day, why postpone that project, why commit that murder, why take part in that crime, why refuse him or her that help, why pursue that thing in the manner you did? Why, why , why…

Death like the saying goes is a summon. Why then do you live in a way that you can't be able to defend yourself at appointed time when called?

    If you find it hard to manipulate humans here, is it spirits that watch your every step while here you believe you can manipulate after here?

For sure, most of us are guilty of all those WHYs up there and more because we live with wrong philosophy of life. They believe that death is end it all. No summon, no queries, no apportioning blames or merit after here. The fact that each of us has philosophy guiding our thoughts and actions here is good fact in itself when you view it well. It’s sign that we are heading somewhere afterwards.

A man that is not intentionally out to deceive himself will find good and truthful philosophy on earth here to guide him relatively to the truth beyond here whether 100% sure of it all or not. Conviction would be there clearing any doubt.

If you use logic to arrive at some correct answers here on certain things, why not too on things at the other side.

You can't eat your cake and have it, you can't squander your money, chances and retain them still, you can't be head and tail at the same time. Man and woman at the same time to a sound mind no matter the operation. 

 “Keep moving forwards and if it's time to go, it's time. Nothing last forever”--- Stan Lee.

Why then do some people believe that they can live their life and that of their grandkids for them without consequences? Why then do some still as adults believe that they can manipulate nature without consequences? Why do most, even the educated among us still believe that being wealthy, educated here guarantees anything physically special or advantageous at the other side? Why do some here believe that laziness, wickedness and jealousness has no queries at the other side to attend to?

One thing those at the helms of affairs at the other side did for us here is to make sure that when we came, we came empty handed and when we leave, we must leave empty handed too no matter your culture or whatever they dump into your coffins or grave. You will appear at the other side loaded.

I am not even sure that heaven will punish those grave raiders that go after those golds and other earthly goodies dumped in the graves of the rich. Can't swear to it.

Another favor from them to us here is not when we came, we know nothing, likewise, we will know nothing when gone. No regrets on that aspect from the other side. You don’t know anything when you came, you will not know anything once you are gone.

  Your worries according to common sense should be only on making sure that you live in such a way here when called or your file opens before you on the other side, no one will find anything not to grant you your due rewards.

You see, we value here so much that most of us no longer believe that the other side might be better by far than here. With the right philosophy of life, you are worrying about dying for what? Do you worry when you entered here?

The idea once again is to focus on your behavior here and try to make sure it has no blemish because, that is only item you will need at the other side that is of any significant.

“Right Philosophy Of Life Is Death Penalty To Worries About Death”

Why do most people worry about death in the manner I have witnessed it since paying attention?

It seems to me that most of us in this planet have not grasped why we are here in the first place. I have sat, not even sat for long to realize that when we come, another ‘when' that’s following must be when we leave.

  When you realize this simple knowledge that doesn't need any teacher to know only advance age, you will stop worrying about death. 

We hear each day that what has beginning must have an end. Do you need any professor to interpret that sentence for you?- of course not. All it requires is for you to be relatively advanced in age to grasp that. No teacher needed either only time.

Death is a journey like the one we are here already worrying about transiting into another phase of journey that we must no matter what transpires. We came, we must leave and create space like those before us did for us.

The thing is that when young, we don't always pay attention to this factual truth even as early adults in our ‘20s, we don’t too and that must have been reason we worry about this phenomenon unnecessarily. The earlier we start inculcating this fact into our psych and that of our offspring, the better for all. Even religious groups seems to be running away from this fact too claiming mundial reasons.

If we know that once we appear here, once too, we must disappear one day, why postpone that project, why commit that murder, why take part in that crime, why refuse him or her that help, why pursue that thing in the manner you did? Why, why , why…

Death like the saying goes is a summon. Why then do you live in a way that you can't be able to defend yourself at appointed time when called?

    If you find it hard to manipulate humans here, is it spirits that watch your every step while here you believe you can manipulate after here?

For sure, most of us are guilty of all those WHYs up there and more because we live with wrong philosophy of life. They believe that death is end it all. No summon, no queries, no apportioning blames or merit after here. The fact that each of us has philosophy guiding our thoughts and actions here is good fact in itself when you view it well. It’s sign that we are heading somewhere afterwards.

A man that is not intentionally out to deceive himself will find good and truthful philosophy on earth here to guide him relatively to the truth beyond here whether 100% sure of it all or not. Conviction would be there clearing any doubt.

If you use logic to arrive at some correct answers here on certain things, why not too on things at the other side.

You can't eat your cake and have it, you can't squander your money, chances and retain them still, you can't be head and tail at the same time. Man and woman at the same time to a sound mind no matter the operation. 

 “Keep moving forwards and if it's time to go, it's time. Nothing last forever”--- Stan Lee.

Why then do some people believe that they can live their life and that of their grandkids for them without consequences? Why then do some still as adults believe that they can manipulate nature without consequences? Why do most, even the educated among us still believe that being wealthy, educated here guarantees anything physically special or advantageous at the other side? Why do some here believe that laziness, wickedness and jealousness has no queries at the other side to attend to?

One thing those at the helms of affairs at the other side did for us here is to make sure that when we came, we came empty handed and when we leave, we must leave empty handed too no matter your culture or whatever they dump into your coffins or grave. You will appear at the other side loaded.

I am not even sure that heaven will punish those grave raiders that go after those golds and other earthly goodies dumped in the graves of the rich. Can't swear to it.

Another favor from them to us here is not when we came, we know nothing, likewise, we will know nothing when gone. No regrets on that aspect from the other side. You don’t know anything when you came, you will not know anything once you are gone.

  Your worries according to common sense should be only on making sure that you live in such a way here when called or your file opens before you on the other side, no one will find anything not to grant you your due rewards.

You see, we value here so much that most of us no longer believe that the other side might be better by far than here. With the right philosophy of life, you are worrying about dying for what? Do you worry when you entered here?

The idea once again is to focus on your behavior here and try to make sure it has no blemish because, that is only item you will need at the other side that is of any significant.

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