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Navigating Trauma with the Power of Distance Healing

Aug 22, 2023
Core Spirit member since Jun 12, 2023
Reading time 2 min.

If you're on a journey of healing from trauma and seeking a way to mend from afar, this is your sign that you're about to discover a new source of strength.

The Invisible Threads of Healing

Trauma can leave us feeling disconnected and adrift. But guess what? You're never truly alone on this path. Distance Healing is like a virtual hug for your soul – it's all about tapping into the energetic connections that bind us and inviting healing energy into your life.

Set the Intention

  • Heartfelt Intention: Begin by sitting in a quiet space where you won't be disturbed. Close your eyes, place your hand over your heart, and set your intention for this healing experience.

  • Speak from Within: Use positive affirmations to communicate what you need – "I am open to healing," "I am ready to release," or any other words that resonate with your heart.

Creating the Connection

  • Visualize the Healing: Picture yourself surrounded by a warm, glowing light. Imagine this light expanding and reaching out to your loved ones, healers, or anyone else you'd like to invite into your healing space.

  • Tap into the Web of Energy: Envision the threads of connection stretching out, crossing time and space, carrying healing energy towards you.

Embrace the Healing Energy

  • Trust the Process: As you breathe deeply, allow yourself to feel the warmth of the healing energy enveloping you. Know that you are safe and supported.

  • Focus on Sensations: Pay attention to any sensations that arise – tingling, warmth, or a sense of calm. These are signs that the healing energy is at work.

Release and Renewal

  • Let Go: Release any negative emotions, pain, or memories that you're holding onto. Visualize these being gently lifted away by the healing energy.

  • Fill Up with Light: As you let go, imagine your being being filled with light, strength, and positivity. Feel the renewal taking place within you.

Gratitude and Closure

  • Express Gratitude: Take a moment to express gratitude for the healing energy and the connections that sustain you. Feel the warmth of appreciation in your heart.

  • Gentle Farewell: Slowly open your eyes, knowing that the healing session is coming to a close. Carry the energy of healing with you as you go about your day.

Dear friend, distance doesn't define the power of healing. Distance Healing is a reminder that energy transcends physical boundaries, and the support you need is always within reach. Embrace this practice with an open heart, and remember that you are a beacon of strength, courage, and resilience.

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